It's ridiculous, but some people think that the Yangzhou government is dead!

If you don't have money, you can't do it.

It's just that this kind of concept is deeply rooted, and Liu Ke has no way to change it. The only solution is to make money!

Only when the treasury is full can people feel at ease.

"This time you are a great hero, but the next time something like this happens, you should report it to the lord." Guo Jia reminded.

"Hey, I'm young and frivolous, I'm not in the way." Zhou Bu doubted.

Say it in front of Liu Ke, you are very courageous!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Buyi brought back a large sum of money, and Mi Zhu and Lu Su praised him severely.

Because of this incident, Zhou Buyi completely showed his face.

"With this money, we can barely support the development of Jizhou," Liu Ke said.

However, Lu Su resolutely opposed it, saying: "My lord, don't empty out the money in the treasury again."

"Money has to be spent, it is money, otherwise it is just scrap copper and rotten iron." Liu Ke said.

What the government has to do is to circulate gold and silver to stimulate consumption.

Due to the establishment of money houses, most rich people like to save money.Although not all of the assets, it also occupies a considerable part.

If the government also only saves but does not spend, it is not conducive to economic development.

But it is very troublesome to explain these things, and Liu Ke himself has only a half-knowledge, let alone teaching others.

"Master, don't be afraid of [-], just in case, the government should have emergency funds." Lu Su insisted.

"As long as there is no debt, as long as the government has credibility, emergency funds are not a problem." Liu Ke said.

Lu Su had no choice but to sigh, not being in debt was Liu Ke's concession.To achieve this step, Lu Su has worked very hard.

"As the economy develops and the people are rich, our life will not be bad." Liu Ke said.

"Understood." Lu Su compromised.

After Lu Su left, Xun You came to report the information collected during this period.

The battle of Yizhou is currently at a stalemate, and both sides are relatively restrained.

Jingzhou is still the same, Sun Ce trains the new army, and Zhou Yu handles government affairs.

Han Sui and Ma Chao in Liangzhou confront each other and cooperate with each other. There is me in you, and you in me.

As for Cao Cao's army, nothing happened in Xuchang, but there were some situations in Bingzhou. Xun You gave a detailed introduction.

"Nowadays, the plague of locusts is rampant in Bingzhou, and the people are miserable."

Locusts are an insect that has always caused headaches for humans. The disasters it causes are called locust plagues.

This kind of insect has a particularly strong fecundity. As long as the climate and other environmental conditions are suitable, and there is a good food supply and resting place, it can reproduce in large numbers.

In ancient times, locust plagues, floods, and droughts were collectively called the "three agricultural disasters", which had unparalleled destructive power on agriculture.

"Cao Cao sent his own son, Cao Pi, to deal with it, but the effect was not great, and people in the state were panicked." Xun You said.

If it weren't for Liu Ke's selfless dedication to expand food production, I am afraid that a locust plague would make countless people displaced.

"The loss of Cao Cao's army is certain. Now Cao Cao is focusing on disaster relief and has no other special actions." Xun You said.

The reason why the Yellow Turban Rebellion was able to arise was that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was promiscuous and ignorant of the government on the one hand, and natural disasters were the main reason.

Under normal circumstances, people can fill their stomachs with diligence, so who would rebel without incident?

Few people do this kind of head-losing thing.

Natural disasters have always been accompanied by turmoil, which deserves the ruler's vigilance.

The locust plague is different from other disasters. The locusts will migrate.

"Is there any sign that the locust plague will spread to Jizhou?" Liu Ke asked.

"Not yet." Xun You said.

"Pay close attention to this matter, and if an accident happens, I will know as soon as possible." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" Xun You said.

"Notify Chen Qun to get him ready," Liu Ke said.

Take precautions before they happen.

"Understood." Xun You said.

After all, it didn't happen, so Liu Ke didn't worry about it.

Now that maritime merchants have gradually opened up, Zhoushan Dockyard has received orders for [-] ships.

It is impossible to entrust Gan Ning with all matters at sea.

So Liu Ke intends to set up a special management organization.

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