After Chen Qun left, Liu Ke handed over the management of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce and the bank to Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang took care of it in an orderly manner, but it was still too inferior to arrange Zhuge Liang in this position.

Therefore, Liu Ke arranged for Liu Xian to take over gradually.

Liu Xian is Zhou Buyi's uncle. He followed Liu Ke before. Although he didn't do much, he was cautious and trusted by Liu Ke.

Moreover, under the influence of his ears and eyes, he also knows these emerging institutions very well, and Liu Ke can feel relieved if he entrusts them to him.

As for Zhuge Liang, Liu Ke decided to throw it into the newly established Zhenhai Division for training.

Anyway, Zhuge Liang is young and can stand all kinds of troubles, so there is no need for Liu Ke to be polite to him.

The function of the Zhenhai Division is very simple. It is responsible for managing everything on the sea and belongs to the civilian department.

Gan Ning and Ding Feng were the armed forces at sea.

The current trade is basically within Liu Ke's territory, so there is no need to worry about security issues and diplomatic issues.

Now Gan Ning is writing books in Dongyang City, so Liu Ke summoned him here.

"Xingba, are you still used to it?" Liu Ke asked.

Gan Ning was rebellious and unruly, and it was really tormenting for him to stay calm.

However, Gan Ning still showed interest in writing a book, and even asked Wang Can for help.

"Don't worry, my lord, everything is fine." Gan Ning said, he had the air of a scholar.

Liu Ke smiled, he had a history of forcing Xu Shu to abandon martial arts before, and I'm afraid he will add another one now.

"About the establishment of the Zhenhai Division, do you have any suggestions?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, the Chishui Army must cooperate." Gan Ning said.

There is no doubt about this, Liu Ke never doubted Gan Ning's loyalty, that's why he handed over the Sea Kingdom to him.

"That's good, don't worry, the Chishui Army is still the main battle corps and will not belong to the Zhenhai Division." Liu Ke promised.

The lord actually saw through his mind!

Gan Ning was very surprised.

"Thank you, my lord, for fulfilling the task!" Gan Ning clasped his fists together.

"Next, write the book carefully, when will it be completed, and when will the punishment end." Liu Ke said.

Writing a book is also a credit!

The sea is always mysterious, what Gan Ning understands is just the tip of the iceberg.

"By the way, don't miss the exploration mission." Liu Ke said.

Although there is a world map, Liu Ke is not too clear about how far the civilization in Southeast Asia has developed, so an advance team is needed to explore.

It was a dangerous task and who knew what the natives would do?

"My lord, this work has been going on. With the map you provided, we can easily figure out the route." Gan Ning said.

"That's good. I can't help you with the exploration, but I will ask Zhongxuan to help you write the book." Liu Ke said.

How could it not be helpful?

Without binoculars and a sextant, sailing is nothing but headless chickens scurrying around.

It's just that Gan Ning didn't say it out, but just remembered it in his heart.

"Thank you, my lord!" Gan Ning said.

After Gan Ning retired, Liu Ke stayed alone in the study, finished processing the documents, and ended his day's work.

The territory has expanded, and things have become more numerous.

It seemed that the world was peaceful at this time, but Liu Ke was a little restless, always feeling that something big was happening.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a period of calm, Yizhou began the fiercest battle.

Liu Bei defeated Liu Zhang's army in Fucheng.

From then on, Liu Zhang's army began to retreat and take a defensive position. Liu Bei took the opportunity to expand his power.

During a banquet, Liu Beizhi said proudly, "Yizhou should be available soon, right?"

But Fazheng didn't give face very much, saying: "Taking crusade wars as fun is not a soldier of the benevolent."

Liu Bei is in high spirits, Fazheng's words are like a basin of cold water.

"Wu Wang defeated Zhou, singing before and dancing, isn't he a teacher of benevolence and righteousness? Your words are not good, get out!"

Fazheng really left, but Liu Bei soon sobered up and sent someone to invite Fazheng back.

After Fazheng came back, he buried his head in eating and didn't speak.As for an apology, it's even more impossible.

Liu Bei, who was more cheeky, spoke first and asked, "Whose fault was it just now?"

"Our common fault." Fazheng said.

Liu Bei laughed, and the matter was over, and the two settled their suspicions.

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