"Catch a few instigators first, they must be among the common people," Liu Ke said.

"But, in this way, wouldn't the people riot?" Lu Bu asked.

Liu Ke didn't rush to answer, but asked rhetorically:

"Are we short of food?"

"No shortage." Lu Bu replied truthfully, "My lord means..."

"Give each of the common people a bag of grain," Liu Ke said.

"Wonderful! As long as the people don't go hungry, they won't come out to make trouble." Guo Jia stroked his hands.

This kind of rich and powerful solution, besides Liu Ke, who else can do it?

What is the danger of locust plagues?

Lead to reduced food production, or even no production.

Without food, the people will be hungry, and they will make trouble when they are hungry.

Now with a wave of Liu Ke's hand, he takes care of all the people!

Just so capricious.

"Prevent natural disasters, but I must kill man-made disasters! Go out and do things, I don't believe a mouse can hide in my territory." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, leave it to the last general!" Lu Bu said forcefully.

If Zhou Buyi hadn't brought back a large amount of money from Yizhou this time, I'm afraid Lu Su would not let Liu Ke be willful.

Although food is worthless in Yangzhou, it is also a strategic reserve.

Now only Jizhou has a famine, what if it expands to other states?

Sure enough, under the impetus of caring people, the people became restless.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is murderous, and he summoned this locust plague."

"The reason why Marquis Dongyang refused to worship the worm god was because he had a guilty conscience. The worm god would take away the lifespan of a murderer like him!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang only protects the people of Yangzhou, and has no feelings for Jizhou, so he can ignore the lives of the people of Jizhou!"

"If Duke Yuan is here, he will definitely decide for us!"

In this way, the topic was gradually led, and the people began to miss Yuan Shao's rule.

"Yuan Gong was forced to death by the Marquis of Dongyang. Not only that, Yuan Gong's son was also killed. This is the hope of our Jizhou!"

Under the organization of caring people, the people began to spontaneously go to Yuan Shao's tomb to worship.

Many people wept loudly, expressing injustice to Yuan Shao's tragic experience.

"My lord, those who made the noise have been registered and have been followed by people. There are a total of eighty-nine people." Chen Qunhui reported.

"It seems that this is an organized operation, and there are so many people out all at once, it cannot be an ordinary force. The people behind the scenes are very powerful in Jizhou." Liu Ke said.

"Yes, my lord, we are following the clues." Chen Qun said in a deep voice. Chen Qun absolutely cannot tolerate someone deliberately destroying Jizhou.

Now is the critical period for Chen Qun's growth. To put it simply, it is to continue to build up his qualifications.

The occurrence of this kind of thing is both a crisis and an opportunity, and it depends on how Chen Qun handles it.

"Don't let the situation escalate," Liu Ke said.

So, under Liu Ke's signal, the Jizhou government began to distribute food relief to appease the people.

I heard that there is free food available, and there are many government offices in various places.

Yuan Shao?

Yuan Shao is a ghost!

When it comes to understanding the common people, Liu Ke couldn't be more clear.After taking some advantage, he completely forgot about Yuan Shao.

"My lord opened up the wisdom of the people, really thoughtful." Guo Jia said with emotion.

Guo Jia couldn't imagine that if the people in Yangzhou were the same as Jizhou... how sad it would be.

Of course, the people are not wrong, they just want to survive.

The strategy of fooling the people is to make the people manageable, and various problems will arise when the people's wisdom is opened.

In short, each has its own difficulties and advantages.

"I miss Yuan Gong so much... What? The government is distributing food? Dongyanghou is a wise king!"

"The famine has just begun, and the government is sending out food. The Marquis of Dongyang is absolutely a bodhisattva!"

After getting the benefits, the people did not hesitate to say good things.

Of course Liu Ke didn't take it to heart.

During this period, Chen Qun also began to close the net, arresting all those with ulterior motives.

"The interrogation work will start as soon as possible. We have already started to scare the snake. Don't let the people behind the scenes react." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely find out the truth about this matter." Chen Qun said.

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