"Okay, I believe you." Liu Ke said.

After three days in a row, the people finally calmed down.

The locust plague also began to break out on a large scale, and the locusts covered the sky and the sun.

"Controlling the locust plague is like marching to fight. Now, generals, start sending soldiers to participate in the competition." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" the generals said.

Liu Ke has an army of [-] troops here, as the saying goes, more people are more powerful.

No matter how severe the locust plague is, it is only in numbers.The reason why the locust plague broke out seriously is that the inaction of the people and the government is pinned on the "worm god".

In Liu Ke's view, this is extremely ridiculous.

It wasn't until Yao Chong, a famous official in the Tang Dynasty, that he led the people to set fire to kill insects, and controlled the spread of locust plagues by using the characteristics of locusts to fire, leaving countless people alive.

And the Tang Dynasty is still hundreds of years away from now, that is to say, the people will continue to be ignorant for hundreds of years.

After the order was issued, the soldiers screamed and went to the counties to catch the locusts.

Liu Ke also went to inspect. When he saw the locusts dancing wildly for the first time, he was also very shocked.

The density of locusts reached about one thousand per square meter, whistling past Liu Ke's eyes.

Many war horses were frightened and hoofed and howled.

"My lord, be careful!" Xu Chu exclaimed. Seeing such a terrifying scene, the fierce general subconsciously felt that there was danger.

But Liu Ke has never heard of locusts eating people, so he is not particularly afraid.

If someone with intensive phobia sees it, their scalp will definitely go numb.

Liu Ke took the lead and sprinkled out the large net prepared in the past few days, caught a large number of locusts in one bag, and put them into sacks.

And proudly shook the sack in his hand to the soldiers.

The fear of the soldiers of the Yangzhou Army disappeared, and the next action was even more terrifying than locusts.

Some daring people rushed directly into the locusts, and their bodies were covered with worms, but they didn't care and went crazy to catch them.

With the efforts of the soldiers, the locusts were all gone.

Of course, some flew away, but it was not a big problem.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a day of struggle, the soldiers were still excited and did not feel tired at all.

Compared with marching and fighting, or even training, the amount of exercise to catch locusts is simply drizzle.

"My lord, it's getting late now, we should go back to the camp for an inventory," Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke once ordered that a catty of locusts be five hundred dollars.

The reason why the soldiers are so happy is that they are waiting to receive the money.

The money was all paid by Liu Ke himself.

Although Guo Jia and others disagreed, they didn't say anything in the end.

Locusts are more expensive than food!

Everyone thought that Liu Ke was giving benefits to the soldiers.

In fact it is.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the soldiers, Liu Ke was also very pleased.

"How much Feng Xiao have you caught?" Liu Ke asked suddenly.

Guo Jia opened his sack, which was empty, obviously not looking at the few hundred dollars.

"My lord, these are all thanks to the soldiers, how could I snatch them?"

"Feng Xiao, you can do it now, just say it if you are lazy, and I won't blame you." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia smiled and did not deny it.

"I believe that you will regret it." Liu Ke said.

"How do you say that?" Guo Jia said, obviously not believing that he would regret it.

"Don't you know that locusts are a delicacy?" Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia's eyes widened. Not only did he die, but the people who heard these words also widened their eyes.

"My lord, don't fool us." Guo Jia said.

"I don't have this kind of spare time." Liu Ke said, "Call all the generals, I will teach you a skill next, and learn it quickly while the soldiers are still paying their bills."

Immediately, Xu Chu, Lu Bu and others gathered around.

"First of all, let the locusts clean up the excrement." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Liu Ke asked.

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