As a result, locusts became the sweet pastry in the mouths of soldiers.

The next day, the Yangzhou Army broke out with unparalleled fighting spirit.

Swear to fight the locusts to the end!

Within a few days, the locusts in Julu County were eaten up.

Even Liu Ke didn't expect such a result.

The arrogant locusts were wiped out just like that?

Then news began to come from various counties that the large-scale locusts were no longer visible.

Liu Ke began to lead an army to destroy the eggs, which was a difficult task, but there were a large number of larvae in the fields.

As a last resort, a fire attack was adopted.

Light the fire and let the little ones kill themselves, or wait until they get together and catch them all.

The work of removing locusts is mighty, and now, it has been completed cleanly!

Because there was a large army on the move, the people in Jizhou stayed at home and did not go out. Suddenly, the army retreated.

When they came out to look, they were stunned. The locusts had disappeared. There was nothing in a radius of twenty miles.

However, as the nearby villages communicated, they gradually gathered the news.

The locust plague is really over!

Inexplicably ended!

"Could it be that the Marquis of Dongyang prayed to the God of Insects while we were not paying attention?"

However, in their fields, countless locust corpses were found.

Now, the legend of Liu Ke's devil is even more confirmed.

The Marquis of Dongyang is really murderous, even the locusts are not spared!

When the news reached Bingzhou, Cao Pi was stunned.The locust plague he was helpless, when it arrived in Jizhou, was it solved easily?

Could it be that there was no locust plague in Jizhou?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke bought a large number of locusts not only to subsidize the soldiers, but also to make profits.

Under his order, countless ships of the Liu family were ready to ship these small things to Yangzhou.

In this era, there is a lack of entertainment, except for singing and dancing, it is food.

So Liu Ke decided to open the market with fried grasshoppers.

Of course, if it was just a simple insect feast, some people might object, so Liu Ke asked Zhou Buyu to make a layer of packaging.

For example, this dish is called "Migratory Locust Tengda", and the meaning is different.

Moreover, Zhou Buyi also let out the rumor: This is a famous dish that even the Marquis of Dongyang are full of praise for!

After a series of packages, the price of this dish was sky-high, a total of [-] gold!

It stands to reason that no one cares about such an expensive price.

But Dongyang City is the most prosperous city in the Han Dynasty, so how could it be possible to get along here without any wealth.

Fifty gold is money that most people can't earn in a lifetime, but in Dongyang City, it is barely acceptable.

The premise is that your dishes must be worthy of the price.

In order to further publicize, Zhou Buyu invited students from Taixue to try it.

Taixue is also the golden signboard of Yangzhou!

At first, Taixue students were very resistant, but after tasting it, they changed their views.

"Delicious! Peerless food!"

"As expected of a migratory locust!"

After a series of hype, countless businessmen went to the restaurant under Liu Ke's banner, just to make a fortune for the migratory locusts.

Yangzhou's courage to innovate is manifested in all aspects, including food of course.

With brave newcomers and word of mouth, the reputation of this dish has finally spread.

"I heard that the Marquis of Dongyang went to Jizhou to catch locusts, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Wow, bugs are so delicious! I have eaten delicacies from mountains and seas all these years, and bugs have opened up a new world for me!"

The people in Yangzhou are full of praise, and more and more people want to eat.

It turned out that the supply of goods was not available!

This is a locust!

It stands to reason that it should be inexhaustible.

However, Yangzhou is really delicious.

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