Everyone thought that this dish would raise the price.

However, what is surprising is that Zhou Buyi did not.

Abandoned interests and won unanimous praise from everyone.

But if you want to eat now, you need to make an appointment.

Unexpectedly, one day I went to queue to eat bugs!

Everyone sighed.

Even Zhou Buyi didn't expect that he had a new understanding of Liu Ke's wisdom.

Now that businessmen are talking about business, if they can get a plate of Migratory Locust Tengda, it will be a very face-saving thing.

The success rate of negotiations increased by [-]%!

Later, news came out that the locust plague in Jizhou had been pacified, and it would be even more difficult to eat migratory locusts in the future.

Now, everyone is in a hurry.

This nima has become a seasonal delicacy?

"Hurry up and make an appointment for Master Ben! I have business to discuss in these two days!" A big businessman scolded.

"Yes, master, it's just that it's not easy to make an appointment now." The butler said earnestly.

"Throwing money, throw it at me hard, I don't believe it, there are people who don't love money." The big businessman said.

"This is the property of Marquis Dongyang, how about I make an appointment for you at another house?" the butler said.

A profitable business will definitely be followed by others!

However, is Liu Ke's famous brand resounding?

"Can someone from another family save face? You can't be smarter!" The big businessman hated iron for steel.

Such a scene happened in various forms in Dongyang City.

Of course Zhou Buyi didn't care about these trivial matters, but he simply made a statistics.

The principal of buying locusts has been earned back!

Liu Ke paid for his own waywardness.

Because of this, Zhou Buyi admired him very much.

This wisdom is very necessary.

When the news reached Bingzhou, Cao Pi was stunned.

Locusts can still be made into food?

No wonder the locust plague in Jizhou was lifted at once.

During this period of time, Cao Pi was exhausted, worshiping the insect god and comforting the people, he was exhausted.

After finally waiting for the locusts to leave on their own, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Cao Pi still had some small expectations in his heart, what kind of scene would it be like when the crops in Bingzhou were finished and the locusts flew to Jizhou.

But unexpectedly, Liu Ke had a well-thought-out plan for controlling the locust plague.

This surprised Cao Pi.

Next, Cao Pi also began to use Liu Ke's means to control the locust plague.

For example, lighting a fire to attract locusts, digging pits and filling them.

Gradually, the situation in Bingzhou also improved, and Cao Pi gained a great reputation.

Although he had already left Yangzhou, Cao Pi couldn't help being grateful to Liu Ke.

After Liu Ke finished clearing up the locust plague in Jizhou, he was not in a hurry to return to Yangzhou, but to build water conservancy projects.

Now that you're all here, let's do what needs to be done.

The occurrence of locust plagues has always had a prerequisite, that is, drought.

Drought is something that Liu Ke can hardly solve with his current knowledge.

Only step by step, down-to-earth, for drainage.

As long as the river is not dried up, there is an opportunity for governance.

"Changwen, when we build water conservancy, we should come up with a charter." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord, this matter is already being done, and I will produce a complete irrigation map in a few days." Chen Qun said.

"You can leave this matter to Tian Feng, you don't have to do it yourself." Liu Ke said.

If Chen Qun took care of everything, what would Tian Feng and Guo Tu do?

Just deal with some important things by yourself.

"Thank you, my lord, for reminding me." Chen Qun said.

During this period of time, Chen Qun was exhausted. He had just taken office and needed to do everything.

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