Moreover, after experiencing the instigation incident, Chen Qun distrusted the old people in Jizhou very much, and always felt that there was something wrong with them.

Fortunately, Liu Ke solved the locust plague quickly and quickly.

Now, who else is going to worship Yuan Shao?

Who else asked Liu Ke to worship the insect god?

Liu Ke has blocked everyone's mouths with his perfect actions.

"How is the investigation going?" Liu Ke asked.

The reason why Liu Ke stayed here was to wait for the follow-up investigation results.

Liu wouldn't feel at ease if he didn't find out these ghosts and monsters.

"My lord, don't worry, someone has let go." Chen Qun said.

If the people caught are all dead men, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, there are still people who cherish life.

"Do you know who is behind the scenes?" Liu Ke asked.

"A businessman and a county magistrate are nothing to worry about. They don't have the ability. I'm afraid there are people behind them." Chen Qun said.

"Very well, keep paying attention, there are [-] troops behind you," Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord, no matter how deep the enemy hides, I will definitely find him out and bring him to justice." Chen Qun said firmly.

"I can't stay in Jizhou for a long time, so let's speed up the progress." Liu Ke said.

"Understood." Chen Qun said.

Next, Chen Qun proved his determination with a series of big moves.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under Chen Qun's pressing step by step, the people behind the scenes finally couldn't sit still.

If you continue to wait, you will be caught sooner or later.

It's better to stand up by yourself and do a big job vigorously.

This person is a senior official.

Gao Gan, son of Gao Gong, nephew of Yuan Shao.

At the beginning, Yuan Tan and Guo Tu took refuge in Liu Ke, and Guo Tu persuaded the army in the city to surrender. Knowing that the situation was over, the senior officials simply surrendered.

However, this is just a last resort.

After the high-ranking cadres came here, they were not reused. They only served as Nanpi Shou, and they were suppressed everywhere. They always missed the glory of the past.

Moreover, there are many rules in Yangzhou, and when they were brought to Jizhou, the senior cadres did not do anything smoothly.

These days are really hard.

So, he thought, whether to go to Cao Cao or not, Bingzhou is a good choice.

Soon after, Gao Gan learned about the locust plague in Bingzhou, and the locust plague expanded to Jizhou.

The high-ranking cadre couldn't hold back his nimble thoughts, and sent his most loyal retainers to Julu County and other places to spread rumors.

The rumors are getting worse one by one.

Gao Gan couldn't help thinking flatteringly that if the disaster spreads, he would have a chance to make a comeback.

Since ancient times, disasters have been opportunities for careerists.

Gao Gan was unwilling to be mediocre and decided to seize the opportunity.

It's a pity that Liu Ke commanded the army to arrive in Jizhou, which made Gao Gan lose his mind in an instant.

He has only [-] troops on hand, this is not a revolt, but death.

What surprised the senior cadres the most was that the locust plague was wiped out in just a few days.

Jizhou's losses were minimal.

At the beginning, he saw in the information: the locusts in Julu County covered the sky and the sun, and his scalp felt numb at a glance.

Now Nima's top cadres can be sure that he is a liar!

Therefore, Gao Gan planned to restrain himself and hide it first.

However, this is destined to be a luxury.

Xia Zhao, the senior officer's general, hurried in and reported, "General, it's not good, something serious has happened!"

"What are you panicking about? We are under Dongyanghou's subordinates now. The sky is falling and Dongyanghou is supporting us." Gao Gan said.

Xia Zhao looked strange, and said, "General, we will be gone soon."

"What do you mean?" Gao Gan was startled.

"General, something happened to us." Xia Zhao said in a startling way.


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