Gao Gan sat down on his buttocks, and murmured to himself:

"How could this be? I do things so covertly, how is it possible?"

"Tell me, why was it discovered?" Gao Gan growled.

Xia Zhao lowered his head, at a loss, because he was not in charge of this matter.

"General, now is not the time to blame others, we should think of a way, how to deal with Dongyanghou." Deng Sheng, another confidant of Gao Gan, said.

"Response? How to deal with it? There are [-] Yangzhou troops in Jizhou!" Gao Gan said.

"My lord, it's a big deal for us to kidnap the people and leave. The Marquis of Dongyang claims to love the people like his own son, so he will definitely not stop us." Deng Sheng suggested.

"Fart, my subordinates are all from Jizhou, and they are holding my father and fellow villagers hostage. How many of them are willing to follow me?" Gao Gan said, his head was very clear.

After Jizhou was managed by Liu Ke, the treatment of the defenders was also improved.

It's hard to live a good life now, who wants to rebel?

Of course, high-ranking cadres also have some diehard loyalists, so it's okay to follow him to conspire against him. As for dealing with his own fathers and fellow villagers, it is absolutely impossible.

If high-ranking cadres really do this, I'm afraid they will be renounced.

With no soldiers in hand, what can high officials do in troubled times?

"This is the last resort, and it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary." Gao Gan said, still reserved, "Think about it, what else can you do?"

"General, when the Yangzhou Army recruited us, they didn't pay attention to our armaments, so Nanpi's armaments are very sufficient." Xia Zhao reminded.

"What do you mean? Don't beat around the bush! It's such a time, and you're still making fun of me?!" Gao Gan roared angrily.

Xia Zhao is very wronged, it was you who stole the words yourself, you have to blame me!

However, he still said honestly: "General, near Nanpi, there is a road-building army. They are Wuhuan people, and the number is about [-]."

Gao Gan's eyes lit up, and he said, "You mean, let me attack the road construction team, rescue Wuhuan, and arm them?"

"Yes, General, our biggest problem now is the lack of troops. With the help of the Wuhuan people, we can narrow the gap in terms of troops. Moreover, there are several such road construction teams in Jizhou," Xia Zhao said.

"You're right." Gao Gan said.

"The Wuhuan people are oppressed, and they will definitely accept the general's leadership. When the general responds to all calls, and gathers an army of [-], they will have the capital to fight against the Marquis of Dongyang." Xia Zhao said.

"Do you want this general to die?" Gao Gan said angrily.

At the beginning, an army of one million could not defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, what could a hundred thousand people do?

The most you can protect yourself!

So the high-ranking officials will not mess around. At first he wanted to contact Cao Cao, but now it seems that it is too late.

"When we have gathered enough troops, we will go all the way north to the grasslands. With this kindness, we will become the Wuhuan Chanyu, and then conquer other tribes, and gradually grow stronger. When the right time comes, we will go south to fight Dongyanghou to the death." High-ranking cadres were impassioned and authentic, and formulated future strategies.

If it hadn't been exposed, he wouldn't have gone north if he killed a high-ranking official. That kind of place where the birds don't shit is really not for people to stay.

However, for the sake of his own life, senior cadres had no choice but to make such a bad move.

At the same time, Chen Qun also found evidence, and everything pointed to Nan Pishou.

So, Chen Qun hurriedly reported to Liu Ke.

"Senior cadre? This person is Yuan Shao's nephew, no wonder he feels dissatisfied." Liu Ke said.

At the beginning Yuan Shao claimed to have three sons and one nephew, dominating the world.

Now all three sons are dead, leaving behind a high-ranking cadre.

If Gao Gan hadn't surrendered directly when he entered the city, Liu Ke would not have kept him.

However, Gao Gan surrendered too quickly and neatly, and it was not easy for Liu to take him into action again, so it became a legacy problem.

Unexpectedly, Gao Gan had such ambitions.

It doesn't matter if you are ambitious, the local snake will have to coil up when it sees Liu Ke.

Gao Gan still has a lot of guts!

Obviously know that Liu Ke is in Jizhou, and the Yangzhou Army is also in Jizhou.

The high-ranking cadres dare to make small moves!

Really don't know how to live or die.

"By the way, is there any problem with Guo Tu?" Liu Ke asked.

After all, it was Guo Tu who was in charge of persuading the senior officials to surrender.

"I conducted a special investigation, but I haven't found anything so far. Guo Tu is relatively timid, and I'm afraid he won't easily get involved in these things. Things that are not good for him are generally kept at a respectful distance." Chen Qun said.

"I hope so. Jizhou has just started, and if it can withstand this turmoil, it will be difficult to say next time." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, please order the secret arrest of senior officials." Chen Qun said.

"Okay, this matter will be handed over to Ziyi." Liu Ke said.

After receiving the order, Tai Shici went straight to Nanpi.

However, before Tai Shici arrived, Gao Gan launched the most ridiculous rebellion.

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