-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At dawn, the [-] Nanpi defenders, who had already had their fill, came out in full force, and with flags and drums as signs, they moved southward step by step in an orderly manner.

However, they still have a confused look.

Because Jizhou is calm and calm, there is no place worth fighting at all.

Gao Gan personally acted as the vanguard officer and sent out all the scouts to search the surroundings closely. Those who can serve as scouts are all his direct descendants.

Because Gao Gan didn't tell everyone the truth.

"General, you can't go on like this. Although hiding the truth from the soldiers will make them obey temporarily, but once the battle starts, the soldiers' morale will be disturbed." Xia Zhao said.

"Hmph, tell them now, I'm sure that there will be no more than [-] people who follow me out of Nanpi." Gao Gan said, in some respects, he is still very shrewd.

If this issue is not resolved, high-ranking cadres will not tell the whole story.

"General, I have a solution." Deng Sheng said.

"Speak quickly! Don't hide it!" Gao Gan said.

"General, why don't you tell the soldiers that the Wuhuan prisoners rebelled, and our army is responsible for countering the rebellion. When we attack the troops in Jizhou, it will be tantamount to a rebellion. If we continue to threaten and intimidate the soldiers at that time, we will surely make the soldiers obey." Deng Sheng said.

"That's a good idea, but you still have a lot of bad ideas." Gao Gan said.

Xia Zhao curled his lips, obviously a little dissatisfied, and it is also very important to find out the problem.

However, senior cadres never praised him.

Gao Gan didn't care about Xia Zhao's expression at all, so he galloped his horse and said, "Soldiers, the Wuhuan captives didn't build the road well, and they rebelled again! This time, our task is to teach these Wuhuan people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

"A mere Wuhuan people dared to rebel. This time, they are not so lucky!"

"Yes, beheading them is not my race, so their hearts must be different."

The soldiers were furious.

Seeing this situation, the high-ranking officials nodded in satisfaction. This method really worked.

"Brothers, fight hard, the Marquis of Dongyang will definitely reward us!" Gao Gan said.

Morale immediately rose.

Xia Zhao looked weird, and even Deng Sheng, who made the suggestion, couldn't help laughing.

This is just a way to deceive the soldiers, why did he believe what the senior officials said?

At that time, when the soldiers find out the truth, they will probably hate Gao Gan deeply.

However, Gao Gan didn't want to care so much, he just liked the feeling of being able to respond to everything.

That's cool!

Soon after, the army arrived at a camp.

"Brothers, the Wuhuan people are inside, follow me!" Gao Gan shouted.

A confused fight ensues.

The defenders of the camp were taken aback when they discovered the attack.

Now in Jizhou, where did the enemy come from?

Can only fight hastily.

Both sides saw that they were all in the uniform of the Jizhou defenders.

The senior cadre couldn't help but said: "General, have we got the wrong target?"

"That's right, it's them! They're all Wuhuan people in disguise."

Gao Gan explained.

Damn, do you think everyone is a fool?

Can't tell the difference between Wuhuan people and Han people? !

Gao Gan coughed quickly and changed his words: "They were coerced by the Wuhuan people."

Deng Sheng on the side became anxious, and said: "General, if you talk too much, you will lose, let's fight."

Gao Gan also knew this truth, and before the camp sent someone to negotiate, he hastily ordered to release the arrows.

"The whole army listens to my orders and shoots arrows!"

However, the scene became silent for a while.

Gao Gan was furious, and shouted again: "Shoot the arrow! Do you want to disobey orders?"

The Yangzhou army has strict discipline, and of course the Jizhou defenders will not relax.

Thinking of the word "disobedience", the soldiers felt a little apprehensive.

"These are all treason, and I will bear all the consequences!" Gao Gan said.

whoosh whoosh—

Suddenly arrows rained down.

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