When the defenders of the camp lost their spirit under the blow of the arrows, the high-ranking officials ordered:

"Follow me!"

The battle lasted only an hour before it was over.

Gao Gan took control of the camp and cut the ropes of the Wuhuan captives, freeing them completely.

"General, isn't Wuhuan rebellious? Why did you let them go?" the soldier asked in confusion.

Gao Gan no longer concealed it and said: "The tyranny of Dongyanghou has caused countless disasters in Jizhou. This general has decided to do justice for the heavens and get rid of Dongyanghou!"

Suddenly caused an uproar!

Originally, the purpose of this battle was extremely strange, but now it is fine.

The person who originally rebelled was a senior cadre!

Many people don't want to do it.

However, Gao Gan threatened: "Just now, you and this general attacked the defenders of Jizhou. With Dongyanghou's ruthlessness, will you let you go? Now, the only grasshopper on our rope is this general. Only then can we lead you to victory!"

The soldiers were silent, their hands were already stained with the blood of their compatriots, and they regretted it.

"Don't forget, we are all Yuan Gong's soldiers, and I am Yuan Gong's nephew. As a subject, shouldn't I always think about revenge for my lord?" Gao Gan said.

"If this matter is completed, everyone will enjoy the glory and wealth together!"

Gao Gan's eloquent tongue gradually convinced most people.

However, there are still opponents.

"General, the Marquis of Dongyang has an army of [-], how can we resist? Even if we want to avenge Yuan Gong, we are capable, but we will die in vain!"

"That's a good question. Our goal is to go north to the grasslands and look for opportunities there. Therefore, we need the help of the Wuhuan people to rescue them and let them fight for us." Gao Gan said.

In this way, there is still a certain success rate, high-ranking is not reckless!

Now, hands are already stained with blood, where else to go but to follow high-ranking officials?

Next, Gao Gan in the northern part of Jizhou did whatever he wanted, rescued Wuhuan, summoned Yuan Shao's old troops, intimidated and lured all forces, and won [-] soldiers and horses.

Great momentum!

"Congratulations, General! Congratulations, General!" Deng Sheng said.

"Haha, same joy, same joy~" Gao Gan said with a hearty smile, although with a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, he was not yet the opponent of Dongyanghou, but he could already become a prince.

Gao Gan never dreamed that one day he would become famous.

If there is no Dongyang Hou, it will be more perfect.

"General, there is so much commotion here. I'm afraid the Marquis of Dongyang has already got the news. The reason why he didn't go north now is because it takes some time for the army to mobilize. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's run quickly." Xia Zhao said.

It is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!

Gao Gan's good mood suddenly disappeared.Although he knew that Xia Zhao was telling the truth, couldn't he wait half an hour before speaking?

Not even time to dream!

Along the way, high-ranking officers opened their arsenals and armed their troops.Xia Zhao urged the high-ranking officials to abandon the luggage many times, but the high-ranking officials refused to listen.

"Without these supplies, what can I do in the north?" Gao Gan asked.

"General, as long as there are people, are you afraid that you won't be able to grab something?" Xia Zhao said.

However, Gao Gan was reluctant after all.

This gave Liu Ke the opportunity to quell the rebellion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, the high-ranking officials have rebelled and raised their troops, and rescued the Wuhuan captives. The team is constantly expanding." Scout Hui reported.

For such a situation, Liu Ke was still a little surprised.He sent Tai Shici secretly to Nanpi to arrest him, but it still didn't work.

Of course, this is not Tai Shici's responsibility.

"How many people are there at present?" Liu Ke asked.

"About [-] people!" said the scout.

One hundred thousand people can bring great damage to a state.

This point was neglected by Liu Ke.

In order to build the road, Jizhou became a little impatient. If he could take his time, such a tragedy would not have happened.

For so many years, Liu Ke encountered a large-scale rebellion by captives for the first time.

There are countless enemies captured by Liu Ke, but they are all well arranged.

Sure enough, the aliens were still untrustworthy, even if they became captives, they were still not stable.

"My lord, we also discovered a strange piece of information." The scout continued.

"But it doesn't matter." Liu Ke said.

"Senior officials seem to be moving closer to Youzhou." The scout said.

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