After pondering for a while, Liu Ke guessed Gao Gan's intentions.

Now Jizhou has the Yangzhou army sitting in the town, giving Gao Gan a hundred thousand courage, he dare not stay in Jizhou easily.

If the rebellion fails, there will be a heavy price to pay.

"Send someone to inform Tian Yu and Lu Xun, let them take action, and stop the rebels." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" the scout said.

"Feng Xiao, what do you want to say?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord is worried that the high officials will coerce the people to leave?" Guo Jia said.

"That's true. If this happens, things will be troublesome." Liu Ke said.

"So, my subordinates believe that the soldiers and horses in Youzhou cannot move." Guo Jia said in a deep voice.

Liu Ke understood Guo Jia's meaning in an instant. If Lu Xun really cut off the retreat of the high-ranking officials, and the senior officials had no hope, they would definitely do some crazy things.

"According to what you mean, send elite soldiers from Jizhou to pursue them?" Liu Ke said.

"That's right, the rebel army is always a rebel army. My lord only needs to send one general to command [-] elite troops to put down the rebellion." Guo Jia said.

If there are too many people, high-ranking officials will be scared to death, and if there are too few people, it will not work.

"Okay, let's do this." Liu Ke said, "This time I will do it myself."

"My lord, you need to stay and stabilize Jizhou." Guo Jia said with a wry smile, "Leave it to the generals under his command."

"Feng Xiao, don't worry, I won't have any accidents, if I was careful about everything, would you still follow me?" Liu Ke said.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, no one would think of following a timid lord.

"My lord, no matter what happens, we will be by your side." Guo Jia said.

"I have already handed over many things to my subordinates, but this matter is different. This is a rebellion, and I must take action myself. No matter what, the rebellion in the territory is all my fault!" Liu Ke blamed himself. .

As far as this point has been said, Guo Jia is of course impossible to object.

"I wish the lord the victory!" Guo Jia said.

"Wait until I come back to celebrate." Liu Ke said.

Then Liu Ke selected [-] elite soldiers and set off with Dian Wei and Xu Chu.

A steady stream of information was sent to Liu Ke, including the movements of the rebels.

"My lord, the rebel army has arrived in Dongzhou, Hejian County, and is about to enter Youzhou." Scouthui reported.

Under Liu Ke's adjustment, Youzhou's strategy has become cautious and defensive.

In other words, Youzhou soldiers and horses do not need to participate in countering the rebellion, but they cannot allow high-ranking officials to take advantage of them.

During the march of the rebels, none of the county towns fell, and the senior officials did not waste time in attacking the city.

"Speed ​​up!" Liu Ke ordered.

The army galloped, and it took only two days to enter Hejian County.

When Gao Gan got the news, he was panicked at first, but when he heard that Liu Ke was only leading an army of [-], he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There are [-] Yangzhou troops in Jizhou, and only [-] have come, which can be said to be good news.

Now that the senior cadres have gathered [-] troops, they are not afraid.

"General, let's evacuate quickly." Xia Zhao said.

"What's the hurry?! What's the panic?! Isn't he just a Marquis of Dongyang, since he has decided to fight hard, he must be mentally prepared to face the Marquis of Dongyang." Gao Ganyu said earnestly.

Xia Zhao's heart skipped a beat, feeling that something bad had happened.

"I decided to ambush the Marquis of Dongyang here!" Gao Gan slapped the table and said.

"No, general!" Xia Zhao screamed, meeting Dongyanghou, it was too late to escape, and he was thinking of fighting Dongyanghou?

"Why not? We all have two legs now, how can we run better than four? Tell me how to run!" Gao Gan said.

"My lord, we can break it up into pieces and gather in the grassland," Xia Zhao said.

"All bad ideas! Now that they are separated, do you think Wuhuan is an honest person? Will he listen to your orders again?" Gao Gan scolded.

Now there are several reasons why Wuhuan will only follow the leader of the high-ranking officials. One is that the Wuhuan group has no leader, the other is that the high-ranking officials rescued them, and the third is Yuan Shao's old love.

Once separated, with the reputation of the Wuhuan people, they will definitely disperse in a herd, and it is impossible to gather again.

Therefore, it makes sense that senior cadres would rather fight a battle than break it up into pieces.

"However, the Marquis of Dongyang is invincible, and no one has ever been able to defeat him," Xia Zhao said.

"No matter how powerful the Marquis of Dongyang is, he only has [-] troops. If we don't take advantage of our military strength to destroy the prestige of Marquis Dongyang, when will we wait?" he.

"I agree with the general. We can leave Jizhou safely only if we defeat the chasers this time. What's more, the general is wise and martial, and he has a [-]-[-] split with the Marquis of Dongyang, and has a slight advantage in strength. How can we not win?" Deng Sheng said.

"You still understand me." Gao Gan said with relief.

Xia Zhao wanted to cry, but now there was no way out, and there was no other way but to move forward.

So Gao Gan ambushed on both sides of the official road, waiting quietly for Liu Ke to arrive.

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