Xu Chu's face turned black, he was so anxious for Liu Ke, and Liu Ke was still heartless, leaving Xu Chu speechless.

However, the sentimentality at the moment really doesn't look like Xu Chu!

"Since my lord wants to fight, let's fight!" Xu Chu shouted in a deep voice.

Dian Wei's face also darkened, the two of them are Liu Ke's bodyguards, the most important thing is Liu Ke's safety.

Dian Wei was never afraid of fighting, but he was afraid of hurting Liu Ke. In that case, they would be sinners in Yangzhou.

Liu Ke rode Lingxi Mochiyue and took a step forward, the smile on his face disappeared immediately and became serious.

The military formation of high-ranking officials is very rigorous and dense, and it doesn't look like they are going to die at all.

Seeing Liu Ke coming out, the rebels scolded even more vigorously.

"Dongyang Hou, come here if you have the ability!"

"Coward! You don't deserve to be called a clan member of the Han Dynasty!"

It was also mixed with babbling Wuhuan language, which was not a good thing to hear.

"Let Gao Gan come out, I want to see what kind of ability he has, dare to be my enemy." Liu Ke said.

The reason why Liu Ke talked nonsense was to observe the enemy's formation at close range and look for flaws.

It is certain that the equipment of these people came from Yuan Shao's old army. When the Yangzhou army broke through Yecheng and captured a large number of Yuan Shao's troops, their armaments naturally became spoils of war.

However, Liu Ke did not handle these trivial matters personally, but handed them over to his subordinates.

It seems that high-ranking officers have hidden a lot, otherwise, relying on Nanpi's arsenal, it would be impossible to arm [-] people.

"Dongyanghou, I'm right here, come and kill me if you have the ability!" Gao Gan yelled, surrounded by his own guards holding up a large shield.

He only heard voices, but no people could be seen.

Gao Gan is so cautious!

Why did he still provoke the Yangzhou Army?

Liu Ke suddenly found it very interesting, there must be some secrets he didn't know.

And this secret gave Gao Gan unparalleled courage.

"Grand Gan, if I win this time, you will have no value in existence. If you obediently put down your weapons and surrender at this moment, I promise to give you a way out." Liu Ke said.

"Threat me? Dongyang Hou, you underestimate me!" Gao Gan said.

"For rebellion, I will never be soft-hearted." Liu Ke said.

"When did I become a rebel? Jizhou belonged to my uncle! In order to seize Jizhou, you not only killed my uncle, but also killed his three most outstanding sons. Dongyanghou, you deserve death!" Gao Gan's face is ferocious and authentic, only in this way can he give him courage.

When did Jizhou become Yuan Shao's?

Liu Ke didn't want to argue with him, he had already figured out the enemy's formation, and the greatest murderous intent came in the formation.

So Liu Ke retreated back and ordered: "Elai, Zhongkang, you two will each command [-] troops and attack the left and right flanks."

"Brother, we all left, who will protect you!" Dian Wei said.

"Don't worry, I won't make a move easily." Liu Ke said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Although Gao Gan commanded an army of [-] people to come to this decisive battle, he seemed to regard death as his home, but in fact he was as cowardly as a mouse. He shrank himself in a turtle shell, only defending but not attacking, and could only wait for death."

Liu Ke pointed to the military formation of Gao Gan, and said that with the Wuhuan people's military quality, they must not be able to move, and they will be in chaos when they move.

Therefore, what Liu Ke had to face was nothing more than an immovable tortoise shell. Xu Chu and Dian Wei, two fierce generals, could break it with one blow!

Suddenly, the drums of war were like thunder, and the shouts shook the sky.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry began to attack, and the [-] army split into two torrents. The power was like a surging river, which was breathtaking.

For a moment, many Wuhuan people were so frightened that their weapons could not be held firmly.


Aren't the Wuhuan people advocating martial arts?How did you become so timid?

Senior officials were puzzled, but there was no time for him to delve into it.

"Beat the drum!" Gao Gan shouted.

In an instant, the sound of drums shook the sky, and countless banners swayed along with it.

Encouraged by this atmosphere, the already timid Wuhuan people suddenly cheered up again as if given a shot in the arm.

"Haha, it's still our big cheer, the horn is still weaker after all!" Gao Gan pretended to be relaxed and laughed.

In the big formation, Gao Qian's silver helmet and silver armor, wearing a red cloak, holding a sword in his hand, slammed Fang Qiu, and a "Gao" flag fluttered behind him. Surrounded by hundreds of personal guards, he was majestic.

"Dongyanghou, if you have the guts to attack from the front, what kind of hero is it to attack the flank?!"

Seeing the high morale of his subordinates, the senior cadres also gained confidence.

He studied painstakingly and arranged six lines of defense on the front, one of which was stronger than the other, which could be described as impenetrable.

If the Yangzhou army attacked head-on, they would definitely be beaten to death!

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