However, the Marquis of Dongyang did not play his cards according to common sense, and actually attacked the flanks, and only sent an army of [-].

Who do you look down on?

Soon, Gao Gan lost his arrogance.

Because of hunting, it started.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry raised their weapons high, shouted in unison, and launched a cascading attack on the rebels in formation.

The arrows flew like locusts, and the light of the knife flickered.

Wherever the Yangzhou iron cavalry went, the rebels fell in pieces and turned into bloody corpses.

Gao Gan arranged the shield soldiers at the front, originally intending to resist the frontal attack of the Yangzhou army.

Who knew that the Yangzhou Army was so shameless!

"General, if this continues, our army will collapse directly." Xia Zhao said.

The implication is to let high officials use their trump card.

It's all fighting, why hide it?

"I know, hold on for a while longer!" Gao Gan became angry, and even scolded his cronies.

Now is the time to be more patient, and you must not lose your footing!

The Yangzhou Army still has [-] main forces that have not moved.

Anyway, those who died were all Wuhuan people, and Gao Gan didn't feel bad at all.

It really doesn't hurt!

"General, why don't we sell a loophole?" Xia Zhao suggested.

"How to sell it?" Gao Gan asked.

"We mobilized a wave in the middle, which made Dongyang Hou think that we were in a mess," Xia Zhao said.

"Such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier?!" Gao Gan scolded.

Xia Zhao was speechless. He was scolded for bad ideas and scolded for good ideas. It was really hard to live this day.

"The whole army obeys the order! Send a team to support the right wing." Gao Gan said.

Then a school lieutenant left with the troops.

Seeing this, Liu launched an attack as expected, pressing all the [-] horses in his hands on top.

"General, the Marquis of Dongyang is really here!" Xia Zhao said.

"Haha, Dongyang Hou Congming I, I was confused for a while!" Gao Gan laughed loudly.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the high-ranking handsome flag was raised high, and a passage was opened in the tight team, and a strange-shaped team walked out from it.

These rebels are all muscular men, each wearing iron helmets, double-layer heavy armor, and leather combat boots under their feet, protecting them from the elements.

"Come out, my euphorbia!" Gao Gan shouted excitedly.

Only then did Xia Zhao realize that there was such a powerful army hidden in the team.

Then he suddenly realized, isn't this the luggage they have been transporting?

Is this worn by Wuhuan people?

Perhaps only the physique of the Wuhuan people could support such heavy armor.

In fact, the Euphorbia warriors are a type of heavy infantry, but unlike the Yangzhou Heavy Infantry Battalion, the Euphorbia warriors hold special long halberds, which look particularly sharp and scary. As for their combat effectiveness, I don’t know.

Can an untrained army in heavy armor really defeat Dongyanghou?

Xia Zhao couldn't help wondering, is this the magic weapon to win?

Why do you feel so unreliable!

"Haha, I didn't expect it. Uncle wanted to build such an army at the beginning, but due to the pressure from the Marquis of Dongyang, he never formed an army. I didn't expect the Euphorbia soldiers to appear in my hands! They are destined to shine! " Gao Gan said excitedly.

Gao Gan glanced at Xia Zhao. Why is this guy so ungrateful? At this time, shouldn't he be praised exaggeratedly?

Xia Zhao's heart was ashamed, he didn't expect that Gao Gan's evil pen would put the victory or defeat on the armor and equipment, which was definitely the way to death.

"General, now is not the time to be happy, just look ahead." Xia Zhao couldn't help reminding.

Gao Gan just glanced at it, his eyes almost protruding.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry, like two torrents, separated in front of Gao Gan's eyes, and went to support the two wings.

"Fuck!" Gao Gan's thousands of words were gathered into these two words, so that he could express his mood at the moment.

Is the euphorbia majestic?


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he scared away the Yangzhou cavalry!

Gao Gan can boast for a lifetime, because his life is coming to an end.

"Dongyanghou, come back to me! You coward, do you dare to attack head-on? What? Don't you? I'm fucking your grandma!"

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