Liu Ke made a fool of himself by attacking the weak points of the rebels.

"Brothers, run! The Yangzhou iron cavalry is here!"

"That's Dongyanghou, the god of war. We can't win. I don't want to be caught again."

"Flee north, flee back to the prairie, that is our home!"

Before the high officials could react, tens of thousands of Wuhuan people started to flee.

With a cry, he turned and ran.

"Bastards! Are you still Wuhuan warriors who are not afraid of death?" Gao Gan roared again and again.

When Dian Wei saw Liu Ke coming to support him, he showed a cruel smile and fought bravely, breaking through several human walls.

Kill the rebels with fear!

There are a total of [-] high-ranking rebels. If they can unite, fight steadily, and rely on their absolute superiority in military strength, they can resist calmly.

Although it is impossible to turn defeat into victory, you can still try to stand out from the encirclement.

It's a mess now, and there's not enough time to escape!

As for the euphorbia warriors, it was a joke among jokes. Their actions were more cumbersome, and they helped each other remove their armor in order to escape faster.

That's right, they disarm on the battlefield!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The wind is really cold."

After taking off his armor, the Wuhuan could not help but shudder.They have never worn armor since they were young, let alone such heavy armor, it is really embarrassing for them.

Sure enough, after removing the heavy load, they escaped faster.

Liu Ke led the army to attack, and the subordinates didn't need him to command at all. Everyone fought with their captain, constantly rushing from left to right, creating chaos.

The Yangzhou Army's strikes were precise and ruthless, and thousands of people fell in a pool of blood in the blink of an eye.

"General, let's run away!" Deng Sheng urged.

"Where is the general's euphorbia? Where is the general's trump card?" Gao Gan kicked Deng Sheng away, as if everything was Deng Sheng's fault.

Xia Zhao was also speechless, what is this?

It was a wrong decision to put our hopes on the "Euphorbist" at the beginning.

I don't know where the high-ranking officials got their confidence.

Xia Zhao didn't want to die here. He mixed in with the deserters and rode away.

Some people want to run away, some people want to resist, and some people want to beg for mercy.

It's a pity that everything is in vain, two legs can't run with four legs, people keep falling down, screams fill the world, and the smell of blood permeates.

As for those who resisted, those who died were the most miserable, and those who begged for mercy were given a happy life.

Gao Gan was shocked by the bloody scene in front of him, and his body couldn't help shaking.

He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound, as if his throat was stuck by a fishbone.He wanted to escape, but his body suddenly lost control, his mind went blank, and he was stunned by the killing in front of him.

"General, how did you lose so quickly?"

This question lingered in Gao Gan's mind.

It was overcast, but not raining.

"Grand Gan, you are easy for me to find!" Liu Ke said with a light smile.

When Gao Gan saw the majestic and murderous Liu Ke in front of him, the fear in his heart spread instantly, and the trembling of his body was clearly visible.

"Dong...Hou Dongyang..."

Is this a fool?

Liu Ke was astonished, even a fool dared to rebel, could it be that his reputation is not enough?

No, maybe only fools dare to rebel.

Liu Ke raised his spear and pointed it at Gao Gan.

Gao Gan's eyes darkened, he couldn't control himself, he fell off his horse, and fainted from fright.

"What a waste." Liu Ke said disdainfully. He thought that the high-ranking officials had some abilities, but they didn't expect to be so vulnerable.

He even pretended to want to fight back, almost startling Liu Ke.

Dian Wei also couldn't understand such waste, said: "Brother, why don't you just chop it up, it's a waste of food if you keep it."

"Let's keep it, let's have a trial first, and clarify the canonical punishment." Liu Ke said.

In fact, Liu Ke also wanted to know if Gao Gan had any accomplices, or who had helped him.


Xu Chu rushed over with a horse, carrying a living person in his hand, it was Xia Zhao who had escaped.

"This person is disguised, and he is not a good person at first glance. He was called a general by the rebels, but he dared not admit it."

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