"I'm wronged! I'm just an ordinary soldier, I snatched a horse and ran away!" Xia Zhao cried.

The rebel army lacked horses, and those who could escape on horseback must be the main figures of the rebel army.

How could Xu Chu be deceived by sweet words?

"Everyone is an old man, let's be honest, are you really an ordinary soldier?" Dian Wei said.

Xia Zhao nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Zhongkang, he's just a small soldier, he's worthless, just cut it off, it's useless to keep it." Dian Wei said.

"It seems to make sense." Xu Chu suddenly said fiercely.

Xia Zhao was so frightened that he peed out.

Didn't you say that the Marquis of Dongyang is kind and doesn't kill the prisoners?

This stupid rumor is misleading!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm Gao Gan's confidant, I know where all his savings are." Xia Zhao said.

Dian Wei's eyes lit up, and he said, "How many?"

"About two million gold." Xia Zhao replied truthfully.

Dian Wei frowned and said, "Not enough!"

"I also know a person named Deng Sheng, who is also a confidant of Gao Gan. He fled to the west just now." Xia Zhao said.

Xu Chu left Xia Zhao and went straight to the west.

Xia Zhao ate a lot of soil, but he didn't dare to complain at all.

As for escaping?

After thinking about it for a second, he gave up.

Dian Wei is not easy to mess with!

The war soon came to an end, and the rebels died, fled, and surrendered.

Out of a team of [-] people, fewer than [-] escaped from the pursuit of the Yangzhou army.

The Yangzhou Army left only [-] prisoners.The rest of the people were all turned into corpses.

"It's a pity that these prisoners, if they didn't betray, they could still build roads. This time, the loss is huge." Dian Wei said.

At this time, it was already raining heavily outside the tent.

A plate of cold rainwater splashed on Gao Gan's face, making the unconscious Gao Gan wake up with a jolt.

In a daze, he seemed to be remembering what happened.

The army is defeated!


A crushing defeat!

Gao Gan suddenly shed tears of regret and wailed loudly.When he saw the situation around him clearly, he really wanted to pass out!

The next time is too difficult.

"Kneel down!" Dian Wei kicked Gao Gan and said, "Brother has something to ask you!"

Seeing Dian Wei's ferocious appearance, Gao Gan really wanted to continue crying, it was too frightening.

After a long time, Gao Gan stammered and said: "See... Dongyang Hou..."

Suddenly, there was commotion outside the camp, Xu Chu walked in wet all over, and threw one person on the ground.

It was Deng Sheng.

Now Gao Gan, Xia Zhao, and Deng Sheng are all captured, and they cannot escape.

"Dongyanghou, I have seniors and juniors, please spare my life, I am willing to take the blame and make meritorious service." Xia Zhao knelt down and said.

"With this little guts, you dare to rebel?" Liu Ke said, "Pull it down and cut it down."

The left and right guards rushed forward and lifted Xia Zhao up.

"Dongyanghou, spare me! I don't dare anymore...ah!"

With a scream, Xia Zhao's body was separated.

Xia Zhao's head was put on a plate and brought up.

Deng Sheng swallowed, begging for mercy was useless?

Therefore, Deng Sheng felt that he had to pretend to be a little more proud and tough, so as to make Dongyang Hou look up to him.

He held his head up, with an unyielding expression on his face, with a look of grief and indignation that sees death as home.

"If you want to kill or slash, please listen and respect!"

"Fulfill him." Liu Ke said.

Deng Sheng was dragged out, but he didn't panic at all, because he felt that this was Dongyang Hou's test for him.

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