Wait a moment, and the order to release him should come.

"Dongyang Hou... Fuck!"

These are Deng Sheng's last words.

Even the executioner admired Deng Sheng.

"When death is imminent, he still dares to insult the lord, he is considered a tough guy."

As a result, only the trembling high-ranking official was left in the tent. On his left and right sides were two human heads, and the ground was full of blood.

"Dongyanghou, don't hurt my family..." Gao Gan restrained his fear and barely said a word.

"Why did you rebel?" Liu Ke asked lightly.

Chapter Seven hundred and twentieth sixth: dealing with traitors

"Brother asked you something, but dare not answer, are you looking for death?" Dian Wei threatened viciously.

Gao Gan hesitated to speak, but finally evaded: "I was just confused for a while."

"Whether you have any accomplices, tell them all, otherwise your family members will lose their lives!" Dian Wei said.

"You are already like this now, what else is worthy of your protection, tell me honestly!" Xu Chu said.

Both of them looked ferocious, and their murderous aura was no worse than Liu Ke's.

Gao Gan's legs went limp, and he almost lay on the ground.

"Dongyanghou, I was really confused for a while, I have no accomplices." Gao Gan said with a sad face.

Dian Wei kicked him over and said, "Do you think we are so easy to deceive?"

In the end, Gao Gan was beaten half to death, and he never spoke.

I'm afraid he really has no accomplices.

A few days later, the Yangzhou army arrived on the battlefield, took over the prisoners, and began to suppress the bandits.

If those stragglers who escaped are not dealt with as soon as possible, they will pose a great threat to the lives of the people.

Therefore, Liu Ke pursued them almost by pointing at their heads, not letting any rebels go.

This pursuit lasted half a month, much longer than the time it took Liu Ke to defeat the rebels.

Now Liu Ke is facing a big problem, how to deal with these rebel prisoners.

Of the [-] captives, [-] were Han Chinese.These people were bewitched by high-ranking cadres, and they didn't really work for him.

"My lord, these people don't deserve death." Guo Jia pleaded.

These days, the most injured are the low-level soldiers.If you can't follow a good protagonist, it is doomed to be a tragedy.

"Let them go to Qingzhou to mine for three years." Liu Ke ordered.

Miners have always been a high-risk occupation.Especially now, with low productivity and poor medical care.

Although they were unintentional, after all they participated in the rebellion, Liu Ke was already merciful by not beheading everyone.

Sure enough, after hearing the verdict, the Han captives cheered for joy.

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang is kind!"

However, Liu Ke did not appreciate these cheers.

"How do you know that I am kind?"

This sentence knocked everyone down.

Next, Liu Ke made a jaw-dropping decision: "Release all the Wuhuan captives, and then go on a hunt."

"My lord, this action is hurtful!" Guo Jia said in shock.

The Yangzhou Army has always followed its heart and never tortured and killed prisoners.

Is this rule about to be broken now?

"I have given them a chance to reform themselves, but they don't cherish it. For the rebellion, if it is not punished severely, it will happen the second time, and the third time! This time we dealt with it in a timely manner, so that no tragedy happened. " Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia also understood at this time, Liu Ke is going to use the blood of other races to establish his prestige!

Now that the Han rebels have been dealt with leniently, who else will bear the rest of the sins except the Wuhuan people?

"My lord, this method is good, it can scare Xiao Xiao, let's see who dares to rebel in the future!" Xu Chu agreed.

"Yes, foreign races are capricious. Since they have embarked on the road of rebellion, they cannot be exempted from punishment by surrendering." Dian Wei said.

"However, I can give them another chance." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, please clarify!" Xu Chu said.

"Announce that their service period will be doubled, and those who defect again will be shot to death." Liu Ke said, "Then give them a chance to escape and see how they choose."

People can take a wrong step, but if you take a few wrong steps in a row, do you still want fate to favor you?

Just wishful thinking!

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