Dark clouds cover the moon, and you can't see your fingers.A night just after a heavy rain is extraordinarily peaceful, but at the same time scary.

The darkness provided the captives with the necessary cover to escape.

Moreover, the guards are particularly lax tonight, if you don't run now, when will you wait?

The Wuhuan prisoners of war began to flee in groups, and their escape was exceptionally smooth without disturbing anyone.

The prisoner-of-war camp is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the terrain is extremely complex, providing them with many hidden places to hide.

At this moment, they only have one thought, and that is to rush out and get free!

for freedom!

Go to tm's labor!

In the dictionary of the Wuhuan people, the word labor has never existed.

In just a quarter of an hour, nearly [-] captives ran out of the camp, like fish slipping through the net, swimming desperately towards rivers and seas.

However, their actions were doomed to failure.

Liu Ke set up a bigger net in the woods.

Here is not freedom, but the Jedi of death.

The prisoner-of-war camp was quiet for nearly a quarter of an hour, after making sure that no one would abscond.

Liu Ke suddenly ordered, "Blow the horn."

The courageous ones have already run away, and the timid ones, it is useless to wait for a long time.

woo woo woo woo--

The desolate horn sound quickly spread in the night sky.

The camp was chaotic at first, but soon someone came out to maintain order.

"Go back! Otherwise, you will be charged with treason."

The Wuhuan captive could only suppress his curiosity and return to his own tent.

Of course, only a few people are confused, and more Wuhuan people are confident.

Most of these people are struggling in their hearts, whether to escape or not.

Now that they have been discovered, there is no need to worry about it. Instead, they breathe a sigh of relief.

This is odd, but natural.

However, those Wuhuan people who fled were not in such a good mood.

Teams of Yangzhou iron cavalry holding torches appeared on the field and began to search for the escaped Wuhuan people.

As for the small forest next to it, Liu Ke arranged for a blanket search by the army.

In short, don't let any beast go!

The shouts of the captain, the reports of the scouts, the neighing of the war horses, and the panic-stricken wailing of the fugitives became the wonderful scenery in the night.

The blood gradually stained the earth red.

In the pursuit again and again, the Wuhuan people lost the will to resist.

"We are willing to surrender and never run again!"

"This general, please give us another chance!"

However, the Yangzhou army raised their knives and fell, and heads flew up one by one.

If you want the Wuhuan people to be honest, you must teach them a bloody lesson.

Liu Ke originally thought that being on the battlefield was enough to frighten them.

However, some people just don't change their nature.

The day finally dawned.

This bloody hunt is finally over.

Teams of Yangzhou iron cavalry began to return to the camp one after another, bringing back some dejected prisoners.

Faced with the begging of the Wuhuan people for mercy, the Yangzhou soldiers still kept some alive.

These captives are all in ragged clothes, with bruised noses and swollen faces. They are listless and have lost their courage.

"Throw them back into the POW camp." Liu Ke said.

Of the [-] Wuhuan people who escaped, less than [-] returned.

"I hope they become more honest, otherwise I want them to look good!" Dian Wei snorted coldly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the instructions of senior cadres, Liu Ke liquidated his party members and arrested thousands of people in an instant.

Of course, they are all small fish and shrimp.

"My lord, please leave the work of screening to me." Tian Feng volunteered.

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