Liu Ke looked at him in surprise.

Afterwards, Guo Tu broke out in a cold sweat. Although he was not involved in this matter, if Tian Feng spoke nonsense, he would take a bite.

Even if Guo Tu jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't clean himself up.

"My lord, Tian Feng is from Jizhou. Most of the people arrested this time are from Jizhou." Guo Tu said immediately.

"What do you think?" Liu Ke said calmly.

"My lord, this matter should be handed over to Lord Inspector," Guo Tu said.

The governor of Jizhou, that is, Chen Qun.

Chen Qun is Liu Ke's direct descendant, so he will definitely not protect the rebels.And Chen Qun has always been impartial in his work, and has already gained Guo Tu's trust.

In short, this task must not be handed over to Tian Feng.

However, Guo Tu underestimated Tian Feng's determination.

"My lord, leave this matter to me and promise to complete the task. If there is any bias, I would like to deal with it by military law."

Tian Feng has been looking for Guo Tu's tricks. He can take this opportunity to investigate openly, and of course he will not let this opportunity go.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you." Liu Ke said to Tian Feng.

This is also Liu Ke's test for Tian Feng. If Tian Feng can abide by the rules, then this person is available.

Once he lost his mind due to revenge, Liu Ke could only deal with it coldly.

Although Guo Tu was not reconciled, there was nothing he could do. Could it be that he could disobey Liu because of this trivial matter?

Tian Feng is more ruthless than Liu Ke imagined!

Just three days after the investigation of the case, twenty-three people were killed in court.

Unfortunately, in the end, he didn't get any information that was not good for Guo Tu.

Now Guo Tu is walking on eggshells, not even daring to embezzle.

"Let you go this time first, and you won't be so lucky next time." Tian Feng said.

What do you mean let me go?

Guo Tu was furious, and said: "Old man, don't fall into my hands, otherwise your life will be worse than death."

Although the battle between the two was fierce, it was still within the rules.

Necessary supervision and competition are still needed, so Liu Ke has no intention of reconciling at all.

When the case was settled, Liu Ke announced in public that he would execute high-ranking officials for the crime of treason.

As for his accomplices, those who directly participated in the rebellion were also executed.All the others were exiled to Jiaozhou, including the family members of senior officials.

Under the development of Liu Ke, the situation in Jiaozhou has improved a lot, but this is only the main town, and there are still large areas of barren land in Jiaozhou.

At [-]:[-] noon, Gao Gan was questioned and executed in Yecheng, and the rebellion was completely subsided.

This rebellion did not cause much harm and ended in less than a month.

It's a pity for Liu Ke's road construction team!

Nearly [-] Wuhuan captives participated in the rebellion and were slaughtered.

But Liu didn't regret it.

Whoever chooses the road will walk down it with tears in his eyes.

The plague of locusts is also over.

When Yangzhou soldiers were free, they wanted to catch a few locusts and beat them for tooth sacrifice, but unfortunately they couldn't find even a single hair.


Coupled with the beautiful weather, the heavy rain poured down, and the drought was directly resolved.Water conservancy planning has just begun...

However, Liu Ke intends to proceed firmly. Anyway, the construction of water conservancy will benefit the country and the people.

"What do you think about the incident in Jizhou?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, it is better to lack than to abuse." Guo Jia said.

"Others have surrendered, so they can't be abandoned. Who else would dare to rely on me in the future?" Liu Ke said.

When Guo Jia heard this, he could only sigh back.

At the beginning, Liu Ke was in a corner, and the talents he cultivated were barely enough.

Now that the goal is to seize the world, we need to use different talents.

No matter how high-ranking officials are, they can only make do with it.

Because the world is not only the Liu family's world, but also the aristocratic family!

The power of the aristocratic family is too huge, even if Liu Ke wants to shake it, he will have to hurt his muscles and bones.

Because under his command, there are a large number of descendants of the family.

There are only a few Tibetan tyrants who are of real civilian background.

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