"What's going on with this matter?" Cui Kang asked.

As the patriarch of an aristocratic family, he usually doesn't talk nonsense, at least he has to catch wind and shadow!

"It's like this. Now Yecheng is rumored that the Lu family is going to move to Dongyang City to live a better life. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether there are private soldiers or not. But we, these native Jizhou people, cannot leave our homeland, so life is of course sad." Li Jundao.

"What, who is talking nonsense? I must have skinned him." Lupine was furious.

Li Jun chuckled lightly and said:

"Nonsense? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, and everyone is not a fool." Li Jun sneered.

"You don't want to spout blood!" Lupine jumped to his feet. "What evidence do you have?"

"It seems that you don't cry until you see the coffin." Li Jun took out an investigation report and read it aloud.

"Three months ago, the Lu family sold [-]% of their property in Jizhou. In the past month, it has intensified..."

"Are you investigating me?" Lupine was furious.

"Yeah, if you don't investigate, I've been fooled by you. I've always done things fairly. Even if there was a little gap with you before, I will ignore the past in times of crisis.

However, all indications show that you betrayed us. For the peace and stability of Jizhou, I can only test you, but it turned out to be true! "Li Jun said sadly.

Lu Ping received countless malicious looks all of a sudden, and he couldn't wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Is it all a coincidence?" Li Jun said.

"Yes, this is a coincidence. The reason why I sold the property in Jizhou is because I have a big business to do." Lu Ping said.

Li Jun suddenly became interested. Others don't know Lu Ping, but he still doesn't know?

This person has absolutely no guts to betray the Jizhou family.

The reason why Li Jun beat him up was because he wanted to catch Lu Ping.

This guy has been very mysterious recently, and he always feels that he is doing bad things.

Now, finally, the fox tail is revealed.

"The Lu family wants to prove their innocence, so why not hide it? If you have anything to say, just say it, don't say my brother won't give you a chance!" Li Jun said.

Lu Ping knew that he had to pass this test, otherwise he would not be able to mess around in Jizhou again.

"Actually, it's nothing. Doesn't Qingzhou produce iron ore? My Lu family has newly opened an iron ore business." Lu Ping said calmly.

However, this sentence caused an uproar.

The Marquis of Dongyang has very strict control over iron mines, and it is impossible for others to intervene.

The Lu family actually has such a skill?

"Okay, you are Dongyang Hou's dog hoof, now the evidence is solid, let's see how you refute it!" Li Jun pointed at Lu Ping's forehead and cursed.

"Fuck you! If I really have a different heart, I don't have to explain these messy things. I also want to take refuge in Dongyanghou, so who can touch me? How dare you look down on me? But Dongyanghou doesn't like us!" Lu Ping Road.

Rough words are not rough.

Lupine actually made some sense.

"Let's do this, Patriarch Lu, you swear, it will be good for everyone." Cui Kang suggested.

"Okay, if I secretly seek refuge with the Marquis of Dongyang and betray everyone's interests, I will definitely be hit by thunder and thunder every day, and I will die." Lu Ping swore, and after he finished speaking, he looked towards the courtyard.

In the yard, the sun is shining brightly.

"Why do I feel that you are guilty?" Li Jun said.

"Okay, Patriarch Li, there's no need to chase after him. In order to deal with Marquis Dongyang, we can only unite all forces that can be united." Cui Kang said.

"Today, I will give Patriarch Cui a face and trust Lu Ping once." Li Jun said.

When it comes to Cui Kang, he has a respectful and respectful attitude. Why did he come to me... What's the matter with this disdainful attitude?

Lu Ping wished he could take out a big pot and throw Li Jun into it to cook.

Although he temporarily gained the trust of the Jizhou family, he could clearly feel that he was isolated.

Damn Li Jun!

If it weren't for him, how could things be turned upside down?

Lupine was so angry that he went crazy. If his reason hadn't told him not to act foolishly, he would have left by throwing up his sleeves.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Jun is like a dog!

Lu Ping couldn't help scolding Li Jun as a bastard. He felt that what happened today was caused by Li Jun.

Although the relationship between the two is not very good, there is business competition, but you can't slander it!

"The mouth grows on you, you can say whatever you want, but my Lu family will definitely stand on Jizhou's side."

"Okay, okay, the top priority now is to let go of your prejudices and think about how to deal with Dongyanghou." Cui Kang said, his heart was so tired.

The rhythm was completely distorted by Li Jun!

Must be twisted back!

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