"Now, tell me, who is willing to be exploited by the Marquis of Dongyang?" Cui Kang said.

Before the Jizhou family, there are two options, one is to obey the government's wishes and disband the private soldiers.

In this way, the government will not be offended, but the interests of the family will inevitably be lost.

People are selfish, and they will do what the government says, which is definitely a fool's behavior.

They won't bow until the last moment, which is why the party is.

The second option, of course, is to rise up and resist.

But who is Dongyanghou?

Say the same thing!

Under his rule, the family struggled to survive.

If they stand out rashly, their heads will be knocked crooked.

If one is not handled properly, the family will be wiped out.

"I won't hand over the military power." Li Jun was the first to express his opinion, "It's not so much that they are soldiers, it's better to say that they are talents we have cultivated through hard work. The Marquis of Dongyang is going to cut off our roots. , Without a reliable team, how can you protect your family?"

"That's right, the Marquis of Dongyang wants our lives. If it is to reduce the number of private soldiers, it is not impossible to discuss. But if you just push it to the end, who will not feel uncomfortable?" Cui Kang said.

Next, the heads of the families spoke freely, nothing more than one sentence, there are no soldiers in the hands of troubled times, it is not safe.

Therefore, everyone is unwilling to give up, and struggle is inevitable.

Li Jun couldn't help looking at Lu Ping, and Cui Kang also looked over.

Lupine organized the language and said:

"Under Dongyang Hou's rule, Jizhou will soon be at peace."

"You old dog, you still speak for the Marquis of Dongyang?" Li Jun jumped up and interrupted Lu Ping, "You still said that you are not the lackey of the Marquis of Dongyang, so be careful not to be struck by lightning when you go out!"

"Damn! Can you let me finish my sentence?!" Lupine blushed, very embarrassed.

Seeing these two, Cui Kang had the urge to fight. He quickly stretched out his hands and stretched his long sleeves to block the sight of both sides.

"OK OK!"

"In short, I will not hand over the family's private soldiers easily." Lupine said.

There is something in Lu Ping's words, if Dongyang Hou gives enough benefits, it is not impossible to discuss.

Even Li Jun didn't complain about this sentence, after all, everyone had the same thoughts.

Why do we have to arrange an official position as the magistrate of the prefect?

Otherwise, how can I pass!

"It seems that our opinions are the same, but how will the Marquis of Dongyang explain and withstand the first wave of pressure?" Cui Kang said.

If this problem is not resolved, everything is empty talk.

"We must let Marquis Dongyang see our determination, and we will never back down if there is no benefit. They are all big families, and we are all just as representatives. If we hand over our private soldiers, our position as patriarch will come to an end." Li Jun said.

"That's right, in order to fight against the Marquis of Dongyang, it is better to appoint a representative to negotiate with the Marquis of Dongyang. I think Patriarch Li is suave, very good at talking, good at chasing rumors and flattering. I can rest assured that this job is entrusted to him," Lu Ping said.

You fucking dare to harm me?

Li Jun was furious. Who doesn't know that the leader of an aristocratic family is a high-risk occupation?

Before, there might be some benefits, such as fame.

But in front of a powerful prince like Dongyanghou, it is no different from courting death!

"Why, didn't the head of the Li family take the responsibility?" Lu Ping sent Li Jun into the army.

Cui Kang also looked at Li Jun, hoping that Li Jun could stand up with aggressive eyes.

"Patriarch Li was the first to discover the problem, and he was also the initiator of this gathering, and he became the leader. I am convinced." Cui Kang said.

"Patriarch Li is wise and powerful, and will definitely make Dongyang Hou compromise."

"Patriarch Li is an ancient heart, and he will definitely be able to lead us through difficulties."


Li Jun knew that he couldn't evade it, but he didn't forget to hurt the instigator, and said: "Since you are so enthusiastic, I won't talk nonsense. I, Li Jun, dare to act bravely, not like some people, like a woman."

Who are the twats?

All that's left is to name Lupine!

Lu Pingqi's nose was crooked, but it was worth it to be able to push Li Jun to the blade!

How can Dongyang Hou be so talkative?

The envoy didn't even know how many of them had been beheaded!

"I can stand up for everyone, but I have one condition." Li Jun said.

"Patriarch Li said it's okay, as long as it's not too harsh, we agree." Cui Kang said.

"It's very simple. When necessary, I can assign tasks. As long as it is reasonable, you cannot refuse." Li Jun said.

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