"Good!" Cui Kang said.

This time, without any urging, Lupine agreed.

Li Jun was very satisfied and said:

"Now I announce that I will appoint Lu Ping as the scouting ambassador to test Dongyanghou's tone and prepare for our next response."

Lupine was stunned!

Dongyanghou is so cruel, going up to negotiate with him at this time, do you want to die?

Could it be that this is borrowing a knife to kill someone?

very scary.

"Li Jun, don't avenge yourself!" Lu Ping growled angrily, spraying Cui Kang's face with saliva.

"Why did I avenge my private revenge? You elected me out, and then just sat back and enjoyed the success without doing anything? Aren't you afraid that officers and soldiers will suddenly surround your mansion and arrest people?" Li Jun said.

"You...you..." Lupine really didn't want to jump into the fire.

However, Lu Ping is also a person with a keen mind, and he has no ability to shirk, so he really can't be the head of the family.

"Okay, but I have one condition."

"Say." Li Jun said generously.

"You can find a way for labor and management. With my status, even the Marquis of Dongyang can't see me." Lu Ping said naturally.

To use incompetence as a weapon?

I'm really convinced of you!

Li Jun was speechless. According to Lu Ping's current performance, once things go wrong, Li Jun will also have unknown faults.

These people are too aggressive to deal with.

If Liu Ke was on the same level as them, he might not be their opponent!

"Isn't someone from your Li family working under Guo Tu? How about writing me a letter of introduction?" Lu Ping teased.

Li Jun's face turned red, although he always liked to brag, saying how powerful his nephew was, he would definitely be able to recover the Li family.

However, his nephew was only the chief bookkeeper under Guo Tu's account.

How is it possible to get a letter of introduction?

Of course Lu Ping also knew this, at the moment he was just slapping Li Jun in the face.

Seeing this situation, Cui Kang couldn't help shaking his head.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Jizhou's family, it is still difficult to fight against Dongyanghou.

Cui Kang is well aware of this truth.

Dongyanghou is not an ordinary person, and he is not so easy to fool. If he wants to play tricks in front of Dongyanghou, he is simply betting his head on Dongyanghou's mood today.

The Marquis of Dongyang has millions of soldiers in his hands.

Once you offend him and make him unhappy, Jizhou's family is not enough to kill.

There is no way for a single Jizhou to deal with Dongyanghou. Only when all the families in the prefecture and county unite can Dongyanghou be afraid of the rat.

Therefore, Jizhou needs to delay time.

"How to meet Dongyang Hou, I have a good way." Cui Kang said.

Lupine's heart skipped a beat, brother, you're not here to trick me, are you?

As if seeing what Lu Ping was thinking, Cui Kang coughed and continued, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass Patriarch Lu, and even please Dongyang Hou."

Now, Lupine became interested and asked, "I don't know what to do?"

If it was a good idea, Lupine accepted it, and if it was a bad idea, Lupine decided to reject it on the spot.

He is not a fool, it is impossible for him to be used as a gun willingly.

"It's like this. I think Dongyang Marquis rarely receives gifts, so we might as well give a big gift." Cui Kang said.

Lu Ping curled his lips and said, "The Marquis of Dongyang is not on the same level as us. What rare treasures have you never seen? I advise you not to waste your time."

"Hehe, you don't know that, any king will like this gift of mine." Cui Kang said.

"Could it be a beautiful woman? Ordinary beauties are not acceptable, at least she must be as stunning as Mrs. Zhen." Lu Ping said.

Just thinking about it made Lupine jealous.

The Zhen family didn't know how lucky they were to have such a beautiful woman as Zhen Ji, who was favored by the Marquis of Dongyang.As a result, the Zhen family has risen with the tide.

The reason why Lu Ping was able to obtain the mining right of the small iron mine was because of the Zhen family's path.

Otherwise, with the status of the Lu family, it would not be enough for the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce to swallow.

A random businessman from the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is a giant crocodile!

"Hehe, do I seem to be such a superficial person?" Cui Kang asked.

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