"Patriarch Cui, you don't want your mother-in-law, it's not good to be like Li Jun." Lu Ping said.

Li Jun was furious, but at this time Cui Kang waved his hand and said, "The method is very simple, that is to create auspicious signs and send them to the Marquis of Dongyang. Throughout the ages, is there any monarch who does not love auspicious signs?"

"Would this be a little overstepping? After all, Marquis of Dongyang..." Lu Ping hesitated to speak, but everyone understood.

"Hehe." Cui Kang smiled meaningfully.

"Patriarch Cui is really clever, and Li admires it." Li Jun cupped his hands.

Offering auspiciousness not only has a good meaning, but also represents the goodwill of the Jizhou family.

Dongyanghou, we are all so honest, can you stop dealing with us?

"But, where did we get the auspiciousness?" Lupine said.

"Since ancient times, hasn't auspiciousness been created by the officials below?" Li Jun said.

"Well, you Li Gou, you actually want to frame me! Use fake things to fool Dongyang Hou, if you have the ability, go!" Lu Ping yelled.

"Who are you scolding? I don't like you a long time ago!" Li Jun rolled up his sleeves again.

Cui Kang turned his body sideways, blocking the two of them.

"Patriarch Lu, be safe and don't be impatient. Since I dare to bring it up, I have a perfect plan. This is definitely a treasure. Even if Dongyang Hou doesn't like it, he won't take his anger out on you." Cui Kang said.

"Is that true?" Lupine said.

"It's absolutely true. At that time, Patriarch Lu could also see a real object before deciding whether to go to see the Marquis of Dongyang." Cui Kang said confidently.

"It couldn't be better like this." Lu Ping said, if he can take this opportunity to get the appreciation of Dongyang Hou, Lu Ping will earn money.

Anyway, the baby doesn't need to come out by himself.

"Patriarch Lu, now you should learn more about flattering. No matter how Dongyang Hou insults you, you must swallow your anger and don't harm us all." Li Jun said with a strange tone.

"When it comes to changing faces and flattering, who is worse than Patriarch Li, why not you?" Lu Ping said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lupine snapped.

Cui Kang couldn't bear to watch these two treasures.

"It's better for the two of you to go together, so we can have someone to take care of you."

Li Jun shook his head frantically, and said: "No, I have already taken most of the risks, and the rest will be borne by Patriarch Lu."

"If Marquis Dongyang is tough, in order to save my life, I will hand over my private soldiers. Let me make it clear first, don't blame me." Lu Ping said.

"Coward!" Li Jun said disdainfully.

"I hope you can still be so stubborn when the swordsman arrives at your door," Lupine said.

Although the discussion process was not very pleasant, the opinions of the Jizhou family finally reached a consensus.

That is to fight first!

Try to procrastinate as long as possible and wait for the solidarity of families in other states. If things cannot be violated, then give up some interests and protect the family.

After seeing Cui Kang's baby, Lupine decided to do it!

At least not at a loss.

Lupine wanted to leave with the treasure box, but was stopped by Cui Kang.

"Patriarch Lu, do you know what to do?" Cui Kang said.

"What else can I do? Go straight to the door and dedicate it to the Marquis of Dongyang." Lu Ping said.

Cui Kang shook his head, and explained to the idiot: "Since it is auspicious, how can we do without legends and stories?"

Lupine thought the same thing, if he took a treasure casually and said it was auspicious, no one would believe it.

The two worked together and finally decided on a plan.

At night, when a watchman came out to work, he was in a daze, as if he saw a golden light rising from the ground.

The watchman was startled and thought he had encountered a ghost.He talked about it with everyone he met, and it finally reached Lupine's ears.

"What the hell? Don't talk nonsense, Yecheng is under the rule of the governor, Xiaoxiao has already retreated. Even if there are ghosts, the Marquis of Dongyang sits here, and the ghosts will stay away." Lu Ping said.

"But the villain did see the golden light." The watchman argued.

Lu Ping slapped the watchman on the head, and said, "Have you ever seen a ghost with a golden light? All ghosts are green light, and the golden light is a fairy!"

The watchman felt wronged.

"Take me to have a look, maybe I can find something," Lupine said.

The watchman took Lupine to a clearing.

"Are you sure it's here?" Lupine said.

"Yes, sir." said the watchman.

As the watchman preached, more and more people gathered here.

Under Lupine's operation, everyone knew what happened.

It turned out that the watchman encountered a strange thing!

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