"Come here, dig up this place, and I want to see how sacred it is." Lu Ping said.

Excavation work soon began.

With a radius of three meters, a large pit was dug out.


Suddenly there was a sound of metal clashing.

Lupine yelled, "Be careful tm!"

Then, with both hands, he carefully picked up the items on the ground and wiped them.

It turned out to be a lifelike bronze sparrow!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lupine's eyes were shining, and he said, "What kind of treasure is this?"

"My lord, the golden light represents auspiciousness. It is rumored that there are double ques in the west of Chang'an City, and there are two bronze sparrows on them. Once they cry, the five grains are ready, and then they cry the five grains are ripe." An old man said, the breath of a scholar is very strong, and it is a sight to see. Very knowledgeable person.

Of course, this is the entrustment that Lupine invited.

"It's really auspicious? When the Marquis of Dongyang came to Yecheng, auspiciousness was born. This is to congratulate the peace of Jizhou!" Lu Ping said excitedly.

"Since ancient times, treasures have been acquired by those with virtue. Such a treasure should be dedicated to the Marquis of Dongyang!" said the old man.

"Great goodness!" Lupine said, finally it's done.

In this way, we can not only meet Liu Ke, but also express the goodwill of the Jizhou family.They were unwilling to be hostile to Liu Ke unless they had to.

After all, Liu Ke's prestige was earned by killing him. He was kind and amiable when he didn't raise his butcher knife. Once he showed his prestige, no rebel could survive. Gao Gan is the best example.

"Haha!" Lupine laughed, holding up the bronze sparrow.

However, the eyes of the masses are discerning, and someone immediately raised a question, saying:

"The Bronze Sparrow is all green, how could it be shining golden?"

Lupine's laughter stopped abruptly.

Who is so smart, this shit let you find out!

If you come out, I won't beat your head, you little gangster!

Lupine scanned for a week, but couldn't find it, because there were too many people gathered.

Moreover, everyone was talking about it at the moment, and they very much agreed with that person's words.

Why does the green body glow with golden light?

"Quiet!" Lupine yelled, he couldn't let these ignorant people ruin his plan.

But Lupine couldn't tell why, so he couldn't help but look at the old man.

The old man blinked and said that he wanted to add more money.

Damn it, this is the starting price!

However, Lupine had no choice, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Compared to pleasing the Marquis of Dongyang, this little money is nothing at all.

"Auspicious and auspicious!" the old man shouted loudly, the crutch in his hand kept hitting the ground, "How can it be understood with common sense? Have you ever seen auspiciousness?"

The old man pointed to a commoner who was making a fuss.

The commoner didn't know a single character, and he was very stressed when he was pointed at by the scholar, so he shook his head immediately.

"I haven't seen it!"

"What about you?" The old man pointed at another person and shook his head in response.

"That's right! The ancients said, if you don't understand, you have to ask. If you don't understand, pretend to understand, thinking you are very good?" said the old man.

The crowd was silent.

This flaw was closed just like that.

Lupine was smiling, the old man still had something in his stomach!

"Old man, tell us, why is the bronze sparrow glowing with golden light?" A young man asked.

"Well..." The old man was suddenly embarrassed, but he was very quick-witted, and said, "If this old man knew, he would have become the honored guest of the Marquis of Dongyang a long time ago!"


Suddenly there was booing.

"Respect the old and love the young, do you understand?" The old man said angrily, "Knowing what you know is knowing, not knowing what you don't know! Young people nowadays don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Grandpa, I see a green light glowing above your head." A child laughed.

The old man raised his crutches and made a gesture to hit him, but the little boy ran away in a flash.

The green hat has a long history.

Princess Tao, the elder sister of Emperor Wu, was a widow and had doted on Dong Yan for more than ten years.

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