Dong Yan entered the government at the age of thirteen for training, probably called "Tong Yangnan".

Emperor Wu knew that Princess Guantao loved Dong Yan, so he said he wanted to see the "master" here.

This little kid is too naughty.

"What's there to argue about the green light and golden light? The important thing is auspiciousness~" Lupine emphasized.

"What you said is very true," said the old man.

Lupine suddenly cheerfully raised the bronze sparrow in his hand, trying to attract everyone's attention and change the subject.

It really made him a success.

"What a beautiful bronze sparrow!"

"Such a treasure, it is just right to dedicate it to the Marquis of Dongyang."

"I don't know how much the baby is worth?"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Ping said angrily: "Since it is auspicious, how can it be measured by money?!"

"Yes, the bronze sparrow is a priceless treasure." The old man said.

The two sang together and quickly announced the matter.

No matter how slow the city guards moved, they got the news at this moment.

"What are you guys doing here?" a patrol captain asked.

"Reporting to the lord, it's auspicious!" Lupine replied.


The team leader was startled, and hurriedly reported up, and Tian Chou came in a hurry.

Now Liu Ke is still staying in Yecheng, Tian Chou has been cautious for fear of problems.

Therefore, he will personally intervene for any troubles.

"The general is here!"

The whole street has been controlled, Tian Chou, led by his subordinates, came to the place where Xiangrui was unearthed.

"Who discovered Xiangrui?" Tian Chou asked,

"I'm next to Lupin, I met the general!" Lupine stood up and said, holding the bronze sparrow in his hand, showing a bright smile.

Tian Chou saw that Xiangrui was really exquisite.He was a smart man, and he quickly thought of Lupine's identity.

As one of the representatives of the Jizhou aristocratic family, Lu Ping was well-known in Yecheng.

Tian Chou knew that Liu Ke wanted to deprive the family of private soldiers.

After a few days, Lupine discovered Xiangrui?

If there were no ghosts in it, Tian Chou would not believe it.

However, as a local official, it is impossible for Tian Chou to stay out of the matter, and maybe he needs to deal with this matter.

"Master Lu, do you know where this is?" Tian Chou asked.

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, not understanding Tian Chou's words, he replied weakly: "This is Yecheng!"

"Is this street your home?" Tian Chou asked again.

Lu Ping thumped in his heart. This time, it was not good, so he had to apologize and said with a smile:

"The general was joking. This street belongs to the people and the government."

"Did you dig this pit?" Tian Chou pointed to the place where Xiangrui was unearthed.

"I didn't dig it." Lu Ping argued, under Tian Chou's majestic gaze, he couldn't help changing his words, "I ordered my family to dig it."

"In other words, you are the mastermind?" Tian Chou said, word by word, driving Lu Ping to a dead end.

"What mastermind?" Lupine always had a bad feeling.

"Jizhou's decree prohibits casual destruction of public property. This street does not belong to your family. What right do you have to dig?" Tian Chou said.


If you want to add a crime, why do you have no excuse? !

Lu Ping wanted to curse, but he didn't dare to offend Tian Chou.

"General, you are wronged! I am here to dedicate auspiciousness to the Marquis of Dongyang!" Lu Ping said.

"How do you know that auspiciousness is in the soil?" Tian Chou said.

"The watchman saw the golden light here." Lupine said.

"Hehe, digging roads and destroying public property when you see the golden light, does this auspiciousness have a heart-to-heart connection with you, Master Lu?" Tian Chou sneered.

"General, that's not what I meant!" Lupine cried out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lupine was getting more and more disturbed, as if the little secret had been discovered.

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