Why is the Jizhou government so smart now?

"Today you see the golden light, and tomorrow someone will see the silver light. Don't you want to dig all over Yecheng?" Tian Chou asked.

Lu Ping knew that he couldn't make an excuse, so he hurriedly said, "General, I'm willing to pay for road repairs to make up for the mistakes."

"I think you are a first-time offender, and you are willing to make up for your mistakes. The intention is good. I will detain you for three days. Can you obey the sentence?" Tian Chou said.

It stands to reason that Tian Chou has no right to judge, but presumably Chen Qun will not save his face.

What's more, there is indeed a problem with this auspicious unearthed.

Although Tian Chou has no evidence, it does not prevent him from punishing him.

"The villain will be punished!" Lu Ping said bitterly, "It's just this auspicious..."

"Since it was discovered by the Lu family, it will be kept by the Lu family. When you come out, it will be reported to the lord. As for the lord's decision, I don't care about my business." Tian Chou said loudly.

The reason why Tian Chou said this is to prevent other people from thinking wrong.He didn't punish Lu Ping for the so-called auspiciousness, it was Lu Ping who violated the rules first.

"Thank you General!" Lupine said.

However, the guards of the Lu family were still fried.

"My lord, this judgment is unfair!"

"Yes, my master is willing to pay for road repairs, why is he still arrested?"

Some common people also spoke for Lu Ping: "Master Lu did nothing wrong, Xiangrui also dug for Dongyanghou."

"Because he didn't make any serious mistakes, I only locked him up for three days, and the three days passed in the blink of an eye. It's nothing more than a minor punishment and a major punishment." Tian Chou said.

After listening to Tian Chou's words, everyone also felt that it made sense, and immediately died down.

Although the guards of the Lu family were unwilling, they could only let Lu Ping be taken away.

Li Jun, who had been paying attention to this matter, was dumbfounded.

What the hell?Lu Ping was taken away by the government and put in prison?

Lu Ping is Li Jun's old enemy. It stands to reason that Lu Ping is unlucky, so he should be happy.

However, at this moment, Li Jun felt deep malice and sadness.

"I'm afraid our methods are too rough. Tian Chou saw the clues, but he dared not do it in public, so he detained Lu Ping first." Cui Kang deduced.

"This kind of thing has happened throughout the ages. Why is it wrong for us country gentry to do it?" Li Jun said loudly.

"What's the use of yelling at me? Tell Tian Chou if you have the ability!" Cui Kang said.

Li Jun's mind suddenly calmed down, and he said, "Jizhou Prison is not a good place. I'm afraid that Lu Ping will speak nonsense and confess us."

"Patriarch Li, you are overthinking. As long as Lu Ping doesn't say anything, after these three days, everything will be calm. Can the government still beat you to death?" Cui Kang said.

"It's hard to say! It's hard to say!" Li Jun said.

Cui Kang suddenly remembered something. Li Jun was so worried about Lu Ping being imprisoned, let alone Lu's family?

He had an ominous premonition.

"Quickly, send someone to monitor the Lu family, and pay attention to any troubles." Cui Kang said eagerly.

"Patriarch Cui, what do you mean?" Li Jun said with a guilty conscience, because he never stopped to monitor the work of the Lu family.

Sure enough, soon Li Jun's confidants came to report the situation.

"Patriarch, it's not good! The Lu family is crazy. They brought three hundred guards and are going to rob the prison!"

Li Jun's heart skipped a beat, are these people crazy?

This is the period of Dongyang Hou's rule. I have never heard of it. The people under the rule gather together to make trouble!

The last time, it seemed that Dongyang Hou attacked Shanyue, and now Shanyue has become a good citizen!

The first person who rebelled was already dead, so what about the first person who gathered a crowd to make trouble?

I'm afraid it's not far from being wiped out!

They joined forces only to fight against Dongyanghou's policy of abolishing private soldiers and to seek equal benefits, not rebellion!

"The Lu family is going to end!" Li Jun lamented.

"There is nothing wrong with the Lu family!" Cui Kang said categorically, "Let's go, you and I will stop it in person!"

"I hope I can make it in time," Li Jun said.

The Lu family who took the lead in making trouble was Lu Ping's son Lu Fang.

This person is ignorant, and he likes to make friends with righteous men in the rivers and lakes. He has a hundred disciples under his command, and many of them have murder cases on hand.

It's just a time of turmoil, and no one pursued it.

Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Xu Shu also killed villains before they joined Liu Ke.So it is not clear whether he is a righteous man or not.

But it is true that Lu Fang will come with these people.

Lu Fang took three hundred family guards, one hundred followers, and one hundred friends, a total of five hundred people, mighty and mighty, but they did not go straight to the prison, but to the government office.

Along the way they gathered thousands of people, all angry and restrained.

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