Then beat the big drum to express grievances.

When Cui Kang and Li Jun hurried over, they happened to see this scene.

"It is said that Lu Ping's son, Lu Fang, is brave and foolhardy. It seems that the rumors are not credible." Cui Kang said with relief.

If Lu Fang robbed the prison directly, no matter whether Lu Ping was at fault or not, their family would be finished.

But coming to the government to complain, the nature is different.Although it has the meaning of coercing public opinion, it is justifiable.

Lao Tzu is in jail, and his son does nothing, which makes people look down on him.

For the dignity of the teacher, Xiahoudun can kill people.What happened to the son mobilizing teachers for his father?

Teachers' morality and filial piety were the most valued by the ancients.

The yamen servant saw that the Lu family was approaching fiercely, so he directly invited Tian Feng out.

Tian Feng was scheming, and asked Tian Chou to send [-] elite soldiers to maintain order.

Lu Fang was taken aback, but still bit the bullet and beat the drum.

Where is the prison in Jizhou?

Once you go in, you have to peel off a layer of skin.

During Yuan Shao's period, Lu Fang had a lot of dealings with prisons, and he knew the horrors of prisons in order to find people for his cronies.

Not to mention three days, but one day, whether Lupine can come out alive is still a question.

As everyone knows, with the efforts of Chen Qun, the prison in Jizhou has been reformed, at least it is no longer so dark.

But Lu Fang didn't know!

For the sake of his father, Lu Fang had no choice but to make a bad move.

"My lord, my father has been wronged! He is old and can't stand the trouble, so please forgive me!" Lu Fang shouted.

After controlling the scene, Tian Feng let Lu Fang in.

However, once out of sight of the people, Lu Fang changed his countenance and said: "My Lu family is a big family, and I have some abilities in this three-acre land in Jizhou. What's more, we have a strong relationship with the Zhen family. You Do you know the Zhen family? That is the in-law family of the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"What do you want to say?" Tian Feng didn't even blink his eyes.

"Release my father quickly, or you will bear the consequences!" Lu Fang said.

"What consequences?" Tian Feng said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang loves the people the most. If you let him know that you have violated public opinion, what will happen to you?" Lu Fang laughed.

"It is estimated that he will stay in Jizhou forever as an official, and suppress you young people." Tian Feng said.

Lu Fang couldn't laugh anymore.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Fang's face turned cold, and he said, "Aren't you afraid, sir, that you won't be able to explain to the people?"

"Are you threatening me?" Tian Feng said lightly.

"The villain doesn't dare." Lu Fang said.

"Go back if you don't dare." Tian Feng said, "Find someone who dares."

"I want to see the Marquis of Dongyang! Expose your evil deeds to the Marquis of Dongyang! My father got the auspiciousness, but he just wanted to dedicate it to the Marquis of Dongyang. Why do you make things difficult for me?" Lu Fang said.

"My lord has no time to talk to you." Tian Feng said bluntly.

This disdainful attitude hurt Lu Fang's self-esteem.

Lu Fang is backed by the Lu family, and has been going smoothly all the time, but Tian Feng didn't expect to lose face!

If it was before, Lu Fang would not dare to offend Tian Feng. After all, Tian Feng is a famous scholar in Hebei, and he is highly valued by Yuan Shao.

But now, Tian Feng's status has plummeted, and he can only help Chen Qun.

And also hostile to Guo Tu!

In Jizhou, Guo Tu's momentum was higher than Tian Feng's.

It doesn't matter if you offend Tian Feng, the big deal is to take refuge in Guo Tu and add the help of Zhen's family.

Lu Fang believes that the problem is not big.

But Tian Feng refused to accept the soft and hard at the moment, broke the jar and smashed it, and didn't give Lu Fang a chance at all, which made him very uncomfortable.

Under the signal of Lu Fang's eyes, the "Tuo" surrounded outside began to shout.

"Officer Dog, let Master Lu go!"

"Master Lu is famous in Jizhou, it is really unfair to be treated like this!"


Lu Fang looked smug, probably Tian Feng was scared to pee, but he looked up, but was disappointed.

Tian Feng still kept a straight face.

"My lord, the public opinion is boiling, have you seen it?" Lu Fang reminded.

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