Lupine's heart skipped a beat.

"I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse for my lord!" Lupine said positively.

"The result depends on your performance." Guo Tu said.

"Of course." Lupine said.

"Tell me, what were you doing last time you conspired? What did you discuss?" Guo Tu said.

Lupine's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the test to come so quickly.It turned out that he just wanted to fool the past, but suddenly remembered something.

Li Jun seems to have a nephew who works under Guo Tu's account.

Can this Nima be fooled casually?

Once the report is not correct, the person who told the lie will definitely be unlucky!

Lu Bing weighed it up, he couldn't continue to be unlucky, so he could only tell the truth.

"My lord, we didn't discuss anything at all, we just wanted to build a good relationship with Dongyanghou through Xiangrui..."

Lupine told the whole story.

Guo Tu listened calmly, did not interrupt or refute, and just watched like this, which made Lu Ping feel terrified.

The aristocratic family did this with good intentions, but the so-called auspiciousness is a deception.

Fortunately, it was interrupted by Tian Chou before it was implemented.

Now Lupine is still in jail.

"The bronze sparrow, is it really a treasure?" Guo Tu asked suddenly.

"It's absolutely true, Cui Kang put his mind to it, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident." Lu Ping said.

"In that case, do you know what to do?" Guo Tu said.

Lu Ping was very puzzled, Guo Tu obviously meant something.If you make a mistake, it will only increase the disturbance.

Therefore, Lupine took the liberty to ask: "Please also express it clearly, my lord."

"Although you are not smart, you are not stupid either." Guo Tu said, "Since it is auspicious, you should give it to the lord."

"However, General Tian has already discovered the clues to this matter. What if the Marquis of Dongyang blames him..." Lu Ping dared not imagine.

"Hmph, don't think that my lord doesn't know what you're doing, but you also have to think about the consequences of not giving it away. Now that everyone in the city knows that Xiangrui is in your hands, don't you feel hot?" Guo Tu asked back.

"Thank you, my lord, for your advice!" Lupine said coldly and sweating.

Sure enough, compared with these big shots, I was still too immature!

Lupine decided to study more in the future, otherwise he would not know how he died.

"Besides, the aristocratic family must also express obedience and goodwill. Once the lord gets angry, I can only pick up the butcher's knife." Guo Tu said indifferently, as if solving the Jizhou aristocratic family is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Lupine was taken aback, and quickly said "I dare not".

In fact, Guo Tu also has his own purpose. Liu Ke gave the order to abolish the private soldiers and not let the family rebound.And Guo Tu asked the aristocratic family to offer auspiciousness and show respect, which proved his ability.

"When you meet the lord, there are some things you can say and some things you can't say, do you understand?" Guo Tu urged.

"The villain understands!" Lupine said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Do you really understand?" Guo Tu reconfirmed.

"Don't worry, my lord!" Lupine said respectfully.

"Go back and prepare." Guo Tu said.

"My lord, I will be imprisoned for seven days..." Lupine asked cautiously.

"Do you suspect that I have no such ability?" Guo Tu said.

"Where is it, villains dare not." Lu Ping said with a smile.

After leaving the prison, Lupine went home happily, feeling very happy along the way.

"Master is back!" The guard at the gate shouted excitedly.

Lu Ping had just stepped into the gate of Lu's house when he suddenly figured out something.

I am!

I've been fooled by Guo Tu!

As soon as Guo Tu "arrogated" Lu Ping, he let him go.

Is he a good person?Punish evil and promote good?

Nima's of course not!

This is the direct release of rumors that the Lu family has already taken refuge in Guo Tu.

Who is Guo Tu?

The person in charge of dismantling private soldiers.

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