How did the Lu family explain to the Jizhou family?

Are you still hanging out in this area?

Apart from working wholeheartedly for Guo Tu, does the Lu family have any other options?

Lupine felt that he was too tender, like a tender chicken.In order to survive, it can only be one-sided.

"Father, you are back!" Lu Fang said excitedly.

It was this brat who offended Tian Feng!

Seeing his son who didn't live up to expectations, Lu Ping directly took out a broom and whipped it hard.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Lu Fang was so beaten that he couldn't speak, and finally just grabbed the broom.

The father and son stared with wide eyes.

"Father, why did you hit me?" Lu Fang said aggrievedly.

Lupine also knew that it would be useless to do anything now, but he explained it anyway, intending to mention this stupid son.

As soon as the explanation was finished, Lu Fang said:

"Father, how can you be so stupid!"

If Lupine is not angry, who wouldn't be an afterthought?But Lu Fang was his own cub after all, Lu Ping could only sigh a long time.

"Don't spread this matter to the outside world. It will be a day if it can be delayed." Lupine urged.

"Understood." Lu Fang said.

"Where is Xiangrui?" Lupine suddenly remembered this matter.

"Father, don't worry, it's well kept." Lu Fang said.

"Okay, take it with me, and follow me to meet the Marquis of Dongyang." Lu Ping said.

This is to give my son a chance to show his face.

Under the hype of the Lu family, everyone in Yecheng knew that the Lu family had a dutiful son.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Lu Ping successfully met Liu Ke under the recommendation of Guo Tu.

"Meet Dongyanghou!" Lu Ping bowed his head and saluted.

"Exemption." Liu Ke said.

"I report to the Marquis of Dongyang that the watchman saw the golden light in the middle of the night, and ordered people to dig it out, and found a treasure. It is an auspicious bronze sparrow, and it is specially dedicated to the Marquis of Dongyang." Lu Ping said loudly.

Under Lu Ping's signal, Lu Fang came up with an exquisite box in both hands. After opening it, what came into view was an exquisite bronze sparrow.

Liu Ke had seen too many treasures, and the treasures that Dong Zhuo searched were basically recovered by Liu Ke.

But Liu Ke didn't have much obsession with these treasures, most of them were sold off.

Therefore, seeing this bronze sparrow, Liu Ke seemed very calm.

After the bronze sparrow was delivered, Liu Ke played with it a few times and put it back again, feeling bored.

Auspicious and auspicious, Liu Ke naturally doesn't believe it, but he won't refute it, after all, it's not a bad thing.

"My lord, it is a sign of great auspiciousness to get the bronze sparrow. You can build the bronze sparrow tower on the Zhangshui River to show the Lord's merits in ordering the world." Guo Tu suggested.

Originally, Liu Ke wanted to refuse, but Wen Wu's expression was very excited.

In the vast history, a person's life is insignificant, and it is an honor to be able to leave a name in history.

Speaking of which, Liu Ke has never had such a habit.He felt that he always overlooked something, but now that he thought about it, he suddenly understood.

Everyone has vanity!

Even Guo Jia, Zhao Yun and others are no exception.

Since the troubled times, rituals and music have collapsed.The status of military generals has risen, and all princes love famous generals.

Because famous generals are good at fighting, whether it is guarding one side or expanding the territory, the help of famous generals is indispensable.

Therefore, the princes love famous generals, that is, they love their careers.If you want to make great achievements, you don't have a few famous generals under your command, so it's impossible to do it.

As for the literary banquet in the prosperous age, it has almost disappeared.

Now, when the opportunity comes, does Liu want to take the opportunity to do something?

"My lord, it's not advisable to spend a lot of money on construction projects!" Tian Feng stood up and said solemnly.

Even if Yangzhou's treasury is full, it cannot be wasted casually.What's more, now that all industries are waiting to be flourished, money is needed everywhere.

The last time Lu Su took out the military expenditure report, Liu Ke was very embarrassed.

"My lord, this matter is simple."

This time it was not Guo Tu who spoke, but Guo Jia!

"Let the aristocratic family contribute money together and hire civilians to build it." Guo Jia said.

Guo Jia doesn't like to participate in the political affairs of Jizhou, but he agrees with the construction of Tongque Terrace.

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