After returning home, Cui Kang couldn't calm down for a long time, and his heart was full of anger.

Dongyang Hou is so domineering!

Obviously he was about to succeed, but in the end he fell short.

"Kang'er, I've heard about it." Fifth Uncle sighed, "You step down as Patriarch, and avoid the limelight for now."

Cui Kang's heart tightened, and he said, "Why? I'm the head of the Cui family. For the benefit of the family, I've been running all over the place. I don't deserve any credit, but I have to work hard."

"Hehe, you are not capable enough." Fifth Uncle said indifferently.

"Insufficient ability? I want to see who is more capable than me." Cui Kang regained some vitality.

"I am too old to be talented. I would like to take over the position of Patriarch until there is a suitable candidate." Uncle Wu said fairly.

Cui Kang looked at Fifth Uncle in astonishment, as if looking at a stranger.

"The Cui family has some skills in Yecheng, but it's still too naive to wrestle with the Marquis of Dongyang. Therefore, you must disappear for a while to wait for the future." Uncle Wu said earnestly.

"Fifth uncle, are you trying to seize power? Want to overthrow me and pave the way for your gambler son?" Cui Kang confirmed.

"Kang'er, don't think wildly, everything is for the family." Uncle Wu said fairly.

Cui Kang was not reconciled, Dongyanghou just showed his face, and he lost everything.

Even family members have become strangers!


"During this period of time, you should study hard, raise your brain, and think about why you screw up things as soon as they come into your hands." Uncle Wu said fairly.

"It's not my problem, it's Dongyang Hou who is aggressive." Cui Kang argued.

"It's okay to complain here. Don't go around telling people that Dongyang Hou is wrong. All the decisions Dongyang Hou made are correct." Wu Shugong said.

Cui Kang was extremely astonished. It was the old man in front of him who asked him to fight for it.

"You must never disobey the Marquis of Dongyang, do you know?" Fifth Uncle urged.

His serious appearance is so ridiculous.

After returning to the study, Cui Kang couldn't calm down for a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Where's my stuff?"

Cui Kang suddenly found that the study room was empty.

"This is the study of the head of the family. Your things have been moved to the side courtyard. The clan elder hopes that you can calm down and study at ease," the housekeeper said.

Despair is spreading.

All of this is Dongyang Hou's fault!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The abolition and recruitment of private soldiers lasted for two days.

Liu Ke has been paying attention to this matter.

"My lord, Zhaojiazhuang reacted violently and obviously refused to cooperate." Guo Tu said.

"Why, you still want the lord to show up?" Tian Feng mocked.

Guo Tu's face turned red, he really had this thought.

At that time, Liu Ke responded to all the calls and left a deep impression on Guo Tu.Afterwards, Guo Tu used this trick to his advantage and incorporated many villages, but Zhaojiazhuang didn't give him face.

Guo Tu's face is not big enough!

"Go more times." Liu Ke said.

If Liu Ke had to come in person for everything, what would his subordinates do?

"My lord, please give me a banner to scare people in Zhaojiazhuang." Guo Tu said.

Liu Ke agreed, and provided Guo Tu with an exquisite carriage, which was very face-saving.

The next day, Guo Tu set off again to Zhaojiazhuang, when he passed a small forest, he suddenly killed a group of people.

The murderer held a weapon and covered his face. He was not a good person at first glance.

"Who is so arrogant that he dares to ambush me?" Guo Tu shouted.

"The person who took your dog's life!" A leader said arrogantly.

Guo Tu smiled instead of anger, and said, "It's such a big burden, let me take it all off!"

These gangsters were only [-] men, while Guo Tu's guards were [-] well-trained and well-equipped.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Guo Tu, who has been through the battlefield for a long time, is also terrified at the moment.

Because these bandits are extremely fierce, they are not ordinary robbers at all.

The robbers knew how to run when they saw the official!

What's more, the number of officers and soldiers is similar, they can't take advantage of it, and the losses must be heavy.

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