However, they still shot.

This unusual point made Guo Tu pale with fright. The culprits came for his life.

"Don't show mercy!" Guo Tu ordered.

After the officers and soldiers gradually gained the upper hand, an accident happened.

Another group of people came out, and the meeting was a wave of crossbow arrows.

Guo Tu was so frightened that he shivered and quickly hid in the carriage.

thump thump——

The arrow sank into the carriage with a crisp sound.

Fortunately, the carriage's defenses were sufficient, so Liu Ya insisted on sneaking into the carriage.

After the crossbow arrows were used up, the gangsters directly charged the defense line guarding Guo Tu.

"My lord, we have already sent people to ask for reinforcements, but whether they have been intercepted or not, we are not sure when the reinforcements will arrive. We don't know how many enemies are left, so let's take you to break through." Guo Tu's relatives Guardian.

On this trip, Guo Tu brought nearly a hundred horses, some of which were killed by crossbow arrows, and half remained.

Guo Tu's guards used horses to resist the crossbow arrows, which did not cause much damage, but it also caused serious damage to the horses.

"Break out, break out immediately." Guo Tu said.

Guo Tu is not a general, but in troubled times, it is impossible to know how to ride a horse, otherwise he will be one step slower in escaping.

Everyone guards Guo Tu and mounts his horse.

At this moment, someone among the gangsters yelled:

"The Marquis of Dongyang is about to run, brothers, stop him!"

Guo Tu was terrified. These people are not coming for him, but the lord?

I am afraid that the sky in Jizhou will change again.

In desperation, Guo Tu didn't think too much, and galloped away.

The bandits overturned and stopped more than [-] horses, but let Guo Tu slip out.

The remaining [-] or so cavalry were heading all the way to Yecheng, not daring to stay for a moment.

Guo Tu said alertly: "Go around the Zhang River."

A clever murderer would definitely set up an ambush on the road that must be passed. Guo Tu didn't dare to bet on the enemy's IQ, so he chose a relatively remote road.

All the way back to Yecheng without any danger.

Sure enough, the messenger for help did not return before them.

Guo Tu's correct decision allowed him to save his life.

Soon, Liu Ke knew about it.

"You mean, they shouted slogans to kill me?"

"My lord, this matter is absolutely true, the officials dare not hide anything." Guo Tu lowered his head and said.

Under Liu Ke's calm gaze, his anger has already exploded.

"This matter cannot be left alone."

"My lord is right. They dared to assassinate my lord. It is an unforgivable crime." Guo Tu said.

This kid really knows how to put gold on his face, but Liu Ke doesn't care about it.

"What's your guess about the bandits?"

"The lower official believes that there are two possibilities for the enemy, one is the aristocratic family, and the other is the high-ranking cadres, or Yuan Shao's old department." Guo Tudao.

"Being able to mobilize [-] troops without anyone noticing, and possessing crossbow arrows, there must be someone to help." Chen Qun deduced.

As the governor of Jizhou, Chen Qun was duty-bound for this kind of thing to happen, so he hurried to wait for orders.

"I wanted to take back the private soldiers gently, but now it seems that it is too kind." Liu Ke sneered.

On the surface, these aristocratic families are respectful and willing to hand over their private soldiers, but in the end they do things secretly.

"My lord, please entrust me with the investigation." Chen Qun said.

"Changwen, don't meddle in this matter, I have other arrangements. However, you must always pay attention to this matter, the development of the incident will help your growth." Liu Ke said.

All along, Chen Qun has been working in Dongyang City, and he has done a good job.

Finally, I mixed up an errand and went to Runan to appease the people, and as a result, Runan became a battlefield.

However, Liu Ke didn't intend to train Chen Qun to be a military talent. Everyone has their own strengths, so we can't encourage them to grow.

Soon after, Tian Chou came back in uniform.

"My lord, when we arrived at the battlefield, the gangsters had dispersed. I have sent people to various villages to inquire, and I believe news will come back soon. ——Master Guo lost sixty-two guards."

There are not many sixty-two people, but it is full of provocation to Liu Ke.

"They are all loyal warriors who protect the lord. Bury them properly and do a good job of stroking their beards," Liu Ke said.

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