"Understood." Guo Tu said.

"Put this matter out, and find out the news from the big families, and make sure to find out who is behind the scenes." Liu Ke ordered.

It is impossible for hundreds of people to disappear suddenly, and someone must be covering it.

Liu Ke has some eyes and ears in Jizhou, but he is still not as good as the local family.

Guo Tu called Li Jun and Lu Ping to inquire about the matter.

Li Jun and Lu Ping were so frightened, who the hell is so short-sighted, isn't this hurting us?

At the critical juncture of abolishing the private soldiers, this sudden move made the aristocratic family the most suspicious object.

"My lord, I don't have any clue." Li Jun replied truthfully.

Guo Tu was very disappointed and looked at Lu Ping.

Lu Ping hesitated for a while, then said, "I suspect it's Zhao Shen, but I don't have any evidence."

"Tell me, why do you doubt him?" Guo Tu asked.

"My lord, think about it, do ordinary people dare to attack Dongyanghou? Since they dare to overestimate Dongyanghou's name, they must not be from the Zhuangzi. As far as I know, when Dongyanghou attacked Yecheng, Zhao Shen In order to expand their strength, they sheltered a group of Jizhou soldiers and horses." Lu Ping said.

"Take Zhao Shen!" Guo Tu stood up and slapped the table angrily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, it's probably inappropriate for Guo Tu to mobilize people because of a suspicion," Tian Feng said.

Tian Feng is the only Jizhou official who dares to speak out.

It's not because Tian Feng has no fear in his heart, but because as Guo Tu's political opponent, he will hit him hard when he catches the handle.

"The Zhao family was arrested without a fight. If there is no such incident, I will ask Guo Tu to apologize in person." Liu Ke said.

Tian Feng can only stop when he clicks, this is his brilliance, he can't make Liu Ke feel bored, just know it in his heart.

At this time, Guo Tu made a big move in the east of the city.

A large number of city guards were dispatched, blocking five or six streets and surrounding the Zhao residence.

"Tell Zhao Shen to come out." Guo Tu said arrogantly. He was so angry that he was besieged. Now that he has a backing, he is fearless.

creak --

The gate of the Zhao Mansion was opened, and an old man came out, who was the housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion.

"Reporting to my lord, Zhuangzi, whose owner is outside the city, has not returned."

"Hmph, I suspect you are lying." Guo Tu snorted coldly.


The sound of footsteps changes frequently.

The crossbowmen of the City Guards climbed onto the surrounding roofs to monitor and deter the Zhao Mansion from all angles.

"My lord, the servants of the Zhao family are fully equipped with armor and weapons, and I am afraid they are going to fight to the end." A general reported.

There is indeed a problem!

Shouldn't ordinary people give up resistance and wait for the government to investigate clearly?

The Zhao family was so nervous without investigation.

"I'll give you another chance to ask Zhao Shen to come out." Guo Tu said sharply.

"The Patriarch is really not here. In order to deal with the matter of private soldiers, the Patriarch stayed in Zhuangzi outside the city." The housekeeper said with a bitter face.

Guo Tu kicked him to the ground unceremoniously, and said, "If Zhao Shen isn't here, it's not your turn to speak as a slave, right? Is there no one in the Zhao family?"

"Go in and search, those who resist will be killed!"

The city guards broke into the door, and Zhao's Jia Ding really dared to resist.

"This is the residence of the Zhao family, you can't mess around!"

"I fought with you!"

ding ding dong.

There was the sound of fighting in the mansion.

Not long after, the fighting gradually weakened, and finally there was no sound at all.

How could a mere member of the Zhao family be the opponent of the city guards, and he was nothing more than a chariot with his arms.

Half an hour later, the entire Zhao Mansion was turned upside down.

Piles of armor and weapons were placed in the yard.

These evidences alone are enough for Guo Tu to intervene.

These weapons and equipment are all regular army equipment, hidden by a family, and they are nothing but rebellion.

"My lord, no trace of Zhao Shen was found." The general in charge of the search said.

Guo Tu was furious and asked, "Where are his relatives?"

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