"None of them are in the mansion." Pian Jiang replied.

"Come on, send someone to notify General Tian, ​​go to Zhaojiazhuang immediately, and arrest Zhao Shen, you must be quick, otherwise he will run away." Guo Tu ordered.

When Tian Chou got the news, he led his army to set off again, and it was already an hour later when they arrived at Zhaojiazhuang.

Zhuang Min refused to open the gate of the village, and claimed that Zhao Shen was not there.

Tian Chou originally had compassion for the villagers, but now it has disappeared.

"I'll only wait for half an hour. If you continue to be stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"My lord, Patriarch Zhao is really not in Zhuangzi." The village chief argued.

"Open the gate of the camp, and the general will search for himself. Could it be that you are guilty of thieves?" Tian Chou shouted.

What excuse did the village chief use to prevaricate the officers and soldiers?

The village chief's confidence in his resistance lies in the fact that Dongyang Hou's soldiers can reason.

Originally, it was reasonable for officers and soldiers to search for important criminals.

Now the truth is unreasonable, so I can only lay down my face.

"The Marquis of Dongyang loves the people like his sons, and won't let you mess around! I want to see the Marquis of Dongyang!" the village chief shouted.

Tian Chou had some headaches, these troublemakers were the most difficult to deal with.To be on the safe side, he sent someone to notify Liu Ke quickly.

Liu Ke simply gave an order to act cheaply.Liu Ke is kind, which doesn't mean he is easy to bully.

When the time came, Tian Chou immediately ordered.

"Attack the stronghold!"

The hit wood that had been prepared a long time ago was pushed by the city guards, and there was a loud bang.

The village gate shook violently.

"Officers and soldiers killed the people!" The village head shouted, and countless villagers rushed up with weapons, a total of three hundred people.

These are all Zhao family's private soldiers, but they are raised in Zhuangzi.

"Continue! Don't stop!" Tian Chou ordered.

After the second impact, the gate of the camp was crumbling.

Tian Chou suddenly saw dozens of villagers climbing up the simple watchtower, holding bows and crossbows in their hands.

Don't these people know what the fate of resisting officers and soldiers is?Are you not afraid of death?

Tian Chou found it incredible that he brought [-] troops, enough to flatten a county.

What stands in front of him now is nothing but a simple Zhuangzi.

"Dare to shoot an arrow, it is regarded as treason." Tian Chou shouted loudly.

However, it was still too late, these ignorant villagers even shot arrows at the officers and soldiers.

The sparse arrows are so ridiculous.

But this has posed a deadly threat to officers and soldiers.

That being the case, Tian Chou doesn't have to be polite to them.

"Archers prepare, suppress them!"

In an instant, arrows rained like locusts.

The village chief was stunned. He didn't expect that the officers and soldiers would really dare to do something.


With the third impact, the gate of the camp collapsed.

At Tian Chou's order, countless city guards rushed in and slaughtered all the resisters.

This bloody scene made the village chief's legs weak.

"How can Dongyang Hou's soldiers kill people?"

"Haha, are you joking? After taking up arms, you are all bandits!" Tian Chou said.

"We are people, not bandits, we are just honest farmers!" the village chief said hysterically.

"Where is Zhao Shen?" Tian Chou asked.

After searching the whole village, Zhao Shen was not found.

Tian Chou vaguely had a guess, perhaps, Zhao Family Village was just Zhao Shen's plan to delay the attack, and he had already fled from other directions.

"Still stubborn? You have a family and children, right?"

The corner of the village chief's mouth trembled, but Tian Chou had already told him the facts that officers and soldiers would really kill.

"Leaving by boat from the Zhang River."

Surprised, Tian Chou handed it over to his subordinates and continued to interrogate useful information, while he led his troops to search the upper and lower reaches of the Zhang River.

After a day of chasing, Zhao Shen was arrested.

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