It turned out that Zhao Shen had made a plan before the assassination. If he failed, he would leave directly.

And Zhao Shen's dangerous move was Cui Kang's bewitchment!

This news surprised Tian Chou.

"Quickly, go straight to Cui's house, arrest Cui Kang, and don't let him run away." Tian Chou ordered.

When the officers and soldiers arrived at Cui's house, Cui Kang had already committed suicide.

Uncle Wu, the acting patriarch, knelt in the yard tremblingly, begging for mercy repeatedly, claiming that this was Cui Kang's idea alone, and the Cui family had no involvement at all.

However, no one believed it.

Guo Tu made drastic moves, arrested countless related families, and killed countless people.

Yecheng was filled with blood and rain.

Without ordering, the aristocratic families handed over their private soldiers one after another, fearing that trouble would come to them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, Cui Kang and Zhao Shen Fuzhu, the rectification of the private soldiers of the Yecheng family has been completed." Guo Tuzhi said proudly.

"That's right, gradually expand to other places in Jizhou, and the measures will be loosened first and then tightened." Liu Ke said.

"Understood." Guo Tu said, "My lord, please forgive General Tian for attacking Zhaojiazhuang."

Learned to buy people's hearts so quickly?

Liu Ke just punished Tian Chou for three days of confinement, just for show.

"Don't meddle in this matter." Liu Ke said dissatisfied.

Guo Tu immediately kept silent, since the goodwill had already been expressed anyway.

"My lord, I have another report."

"Say." Liu Ke said.

"As for the Zhao family's private soldiers, the source of the soldiers is very suspicious," Guo Tu said.

"What did you find?" Liu Ke asked.

"The previous speculation was that they were all rout soldiers from Yecheng. Under normal circumstances, how could a rout soldier have a household registration in Yecheng? I checked along this line and found that Tian Yuanhao was the culprit!" Guo Tu said.

Liu Ke was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but still looked at Guo Tu.

Guo Tu went on to say: "Tian Yuanhao was merciful, and he provided household registration for many defeated soldiers. Not only that, some prisoners of war who served in the military were also paroled by Tian Yuanhao for various reasons."

"I will pay attention to this matter." Liu Ke said.

Guo Tu had no choice but to prepare a lot of materials for Kuroda Toyo, but it was useless now.

Not reconciled, he gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, I must check."

Liu can see that Guo Tu insisted, and sent someone to call Tian Feng to confront him face to face.

"Guo Tu, don't spew blood!" Tian Feng said angrily.

"I spurted blood? The evidence is conclusive!" Guo Tu said.

Guo Tu's suspicion was not unreasonable, because he was the one who was attacked this time, and it was possible for Tian Feng to use drastic means to get rid of him.

"My lord, the released captives are all disabled, or their parents are seriously ill." Tian Feng explained.

"The people who attacked me were all strong! They shouted slogans to kill the lord, do you know how heartbroken I was when I heard that!" Guo Tu said.

Tian Feng ignored Guo Tu, but apologized to Liu Ke:

"The lower official is negligent, please punish me, my lord."

Tian Feng's responsibility lies in his lack of careful examination, which has been unpredictable since ancient times.

"Okay, you dare to admit it, my lord, you have to make the decision!" Guo Tu said.

"Okay, okay, don't argue anymore, Yuan Hao's salary will be fined for one year, are you convinced?" Liu Ke said.

"The next official will accept the punishment!" Tian Feng cupped his hands.

This is how it went.

Even if Guo Tu was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to give up. Chasing and beating would only disgust Liu Ke.

One year's salary is nothing, it is mainly to express an attitude.

"Anything else?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, the Bronze Sparrow is a very auspicious thing. You might as well build the Bronze Sparrow Terrace on the Zhangshui River to honor the merits of the world." Guo Tu suggested again.

Tian Feng strongly objected: "It's a waste of money!"

"The funds for the construction can be donated by the aristocratic family, and every peasant will pay the wages!" Guo Tu said.

"Do you really think there is a family that is willing to pay for it? Could it be that you forced it!" Tian Feng said.

"This matter can be left to you." Guo Tu said generously.

With the reputation of the lord, are you afraid that you won't be able to get together the funds?

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