Guo Tu is very confident, and even more confident in Liu Ke.

Tian Feng was silent for a long time before saying: "It's absolutely impossible."

Seeing signs of quarreling between the two, Liu Ke stopped him quickly and said, "Okay, Jizhou will need you two in the future, so we should work together."

After dismissing them, Liu Ke was able to be quiet.

Speaking of which, Liu Ke has been here for so long, and has not reported any popular feast.

It has always been fighting and killing, which is not good.

In ancient times, there were no recreational activities for everyone, so reciting poems against each other and meeting heroes seems to be a good choice.

Liu Ke ordered someone to call Guo Jia, but after searching for a long time, he was finally caught by the Zhangshui River.

According to reports from his subordinates, Guo Jia was too busy fishing.

"Haha, my lord, I don't know what you want from me?" Guo Jia laughed heartily.

"It seems that you had a good time, and you don't even want to go back to the city." Liu Ke said.

"I have nothing to do, so I asked Kong Ming to go fishing." Guo Jia said.

"You guys seem to be leisurely, it seems that there are too few things." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia chuckled, and said, "In Dongyang City, I was holding back. When I came out and fought with you, my back was sore. Now that I finally have time, of course I have to have a good time."

"Lang" is still Liu Ke's tone, which was imitated by Guo Jia.

"Since that's the case, go and choose a site for Tongque Terrace." Liu Ke decided.

"My lord, aren't you afraid that someone will make irresponsible remarks?" Guo Jia said.

"Jizhou is already in a mess. It is not an easy task to strengthen the cohesion of Jizhou and appease the aristocratic families in Jizhou. What can be done with a Tongque Terrace, why bother." Liu Ke said.

"My lord is right." Guo Jia said.

"The budget is between [-] million and [-] million gold, and I will pay for it myself," Liu Ke said.

"My lord is domineering!" Guo Jia admired, this is not a small sum.

"If the Jizhou aristocratic family wants to donate money, don't be polite to them, just take it and use it to build roads." Liu Ke said.

"No problem, take everything as ordered." Guo Jia said.

Then the two discussed some details and finally finalized the matter.

Tongque Terrace is about to be built!

It's just that if the literati are tired of seeing the general platform and the training ground, it can still be useful.

Otherwise, there is no need to mobilize people for a pure landscape platform.

Guo Jia started to handle the matter, and pulled Zhuge Liang to fight.

The news caused an uproar.There are supporters and opponents.

"Jizhou has experienced countless military disasters and locust plagues. Dongyang Marquis is still building large-scale construction projects. What is his intention? He doesn't treat us Jizhou people as human beings at all!"

"Are you an idiot? There are wages for the construction of the Tongque Terrace, and all the people in the disaster-stricken areas can sign up. This is obviously disaster relief!"

"Disaster relief? Throughout the ages, I have never seen such disaster relief!"

"Haha, people like you just want the government to send money to you, and then you don't have to do anything. Has there been such a good thing throughout the ages?"

Of course, the most domineering support comes from Yangzhou businessmen.

"You Jizhou don't feel good about yourself. The construction of Tongque Terrace was funded by the Marquis of Dongyang. It's useless for you Jizhou people to pay you a copper coin. Are you still talking about it?"

"Sure enough, it makes sense for people to be poor. The people of Yangzhou want to contribute money, but the Marquis of Dongyang doesn't care about it!"

This sentence reminded the big businessmen in Yangzhou, and they paid homage to Liu Ke one after another.

Liu Ke rejected their kindness.

As a result, the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce raised three million gold and built Jinfeng and Bingjing near Tongque Terrace.

Although the scale is much smaller, it is powerful and domineering enough!

Opponents simply shut up.

The deeds of Yangzhou businessmen spending a lot of money abound. It is not easy to build two viewing platforms.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yecheng is the place where Jizhou's aristocratic families gather. After getting here, the work of abolishing private soldiers has gone much smoother.

Under Liu Ke's suggestion, Guo Tu took the method of confiscating weapons and selecting strong men to join the army, gradually controlling the armed forces of the family.

Of course, some promises will be given appropriately to dispel the family's dissatisfaction.

There are very few aristocratic families who can get benefits, after all, there are only so many cakes.

It's been a month since all the work was done.

At the same time, Tongque Terrace began to take shape.

"My lord, you can invite all heroes to come and visit." Guo Jia suggested.

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