"Brother, are you going to Yecheng too?" Chen Dao asked Lu Meng.

Lu Meng had a saber on the table, with an extraordinary bearing.

"No, go to Jingzhou."

"Jingzhou? Although Sun Bofu has conquered the sky, he is still far behind Dongyanghou." Chen Dao shook his head.

"Hmph, Yangzhou is full of talented people. If you go, you won't be able to make any waves." Lu Meng snorted coldly, and Sun Ce was one of the people he admired the most.

"I'm young!" Chen Dao said calmly.

Youth is the greatest capital. The Yangzhou Group is already solid. If you want to break the shackles and integrate into it, you need to make more efforts.

But Chen Dao wasn't afraid at all.

Yangzhou always needs fresh blood, right?

Chen Dao thinks that he is no worse than anyone in the younger generation.

"You can't kill time even if you are young," Lu Meng said.

"This brother, serving in the Yangzhou Army, how can you call it a waste of time? There are too many places to learn." Chen Daodao.

"Yangzhou has too many rules," Lu Meng said.

"It's good if the rules are perfect." Chen Daodao, "What's your name, brother?"

"Lu Ziming."

"Ziming, you and I are from the same hometown, if you go to Jingzhou, won't we become enemies in the future?" Chen Dao said heartbroken.

"Everyone is their master, what's wrong?" Lu Meng said.

"We shouldn't kill each other." Chen Dao rolled his eyes, and continued, "Why don't you and I go to Yecheng together, if the Marquis of Dongyang doesn't know the talents, and then goes to Jingzhou, how about it?"

Lu Meng's heart is moved, Dongyang Hou Xianming!

Everyone knows this.

In case Dongyang Hou took a fancy to him, he would be very honored, wouldn't he?

However, the shadow of being rejected before has always been with Lu Meng.

"Brother, if you have anything on your mind, you might as well speak up!" Chen Dao said.

"It's not a big deal." Lu Meng said, seeing Chen Dao's kindness, so he told his story in detail.

"Oh, you keep this in mind, doesn't it seem very heartless? Don't worry, Dongyang Hou is like them, how can he be like them, he has a keen eye to know the pearl, and he won't make the pearl dusty." Chen Daodao, his tone was a little admiring .

Lu Meng thought about it, the Marquis of Dongyang's sagacity is not just called out for nothing.That being the case, let's go to Yecheng once, and it won't be too late to go to Jingzhou if it fails.

"Okay, Chen Shuzhi, right? From now on, you will be my friend, Lu Meng."

"Haha, you and I, brothers, will break into the Tongque Terrace together, and we will become famous one day." Chen Dao waved his arms.

Seven hundredth Chapter 16 Lu Meng and Chen Dao

It took a total of three months from the beginning of the construction of Tongque Terrace to its completion.

With the strong technical support of Yangzhou, everything becomes simple.

Reinforced concrete structures cut construction times extremely short.

"My lord, as long as you make some more arrangements, you can hold a banquet." Guo Jia said.

"That's right, the ingredients should also be prepared, using the best spices." Liu Ke instructed.

After the Chishui Army went south, they discovered the existence of spices and gradually established a stable shipping route.

One of the most famous spices is nutmeg.

Nutmeg is a famous spice and medicinal plant in the tropics. It is harvested when the fruit is ripe in winter and spring.

Its kernels are used as medicine, which can cure diarrhea, cold dysentery, cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting, etc.; for external use, it can be used as a parasite repellant to treat rheumatic pain, etc.

In addition, nutmeg can also be used as condiments, industrial oil raw materials, etc.

Liu Ke intends to take advantage of this opportunity to promote spices.

"Don't worry, my lord, we are all prepared," Guo Jia said.

"I'm more at ease when Kong Ming does things," Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia's expression suddenly became weird, as if his lie had been exposed.

"Kong Ming is hardworking and willing to help others. He is indeed a good seed. After a few more years of experience, he will be able to officially enter the cabinet. My lord, in fact, there are still too few members in the cabinet. I suggest that Kong Ming and Shi Yuan be transferred to the cabinet to help with miscellaneous tasks." it is good."

Reserve elder?

In order to be lazy, Guo Jia can be said to spare no effort to cultivate talents.

"Well, I will think about it carefully." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia was very excited, this matter is likely to happen!

In the future, the cabinet can be divided into five regular members and two reserve members.

"By the way, my lord, you should not go out recently. If there is anything to do, you should also bring enough guards." Guo Jia said.

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