"What's the matter? Isn't the clean-up work in Jizhou already completed?" Liu Ke's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Could it be that too few people were killed?

"It's because there are too many rangers from outside. They are fighting endlessly in Ye City. Tian Chou has been very busy recently." Guo Jia said.

"It turns out that they are all rebellious people, and it is easy to cause problems when they gather together." Liu Kedao, after a little thought, he came up with a solution.

"Tell them that it is impossible for everyone to go to the Tongque Arena. Those who fight privately and cause casualties will not only be disqualified, but will also be imprisoned. Find something for them to do, set up a ring outside the city, and let the army Soldiers sit in the township, and only those who pass can go to the Tongque Terrace to have a banquet, and the rest will be arranged to go to the Martial Arts Field."

"My lord is wise!" Guo Jia said.

"At this time, there is no need to flatter, and hurry up to do things." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia disappeared in a flash.

Although Guo Jia told him not to go out casually, Liu Ke is the master.

He called Dian Wei and General Xu Chu to make a private visit in disguise, and went out to see what was going on in Ye City.

The streets are full of people.

Liu Ke still underestimated his appeal, how could there be so many people?

"Brother, these people are all here for you." Dian Wei said happily, Liu Ke is very happy to be famous.

"I hope that some suitable talents can be selected." Liu Ke said, what he wants is not a gangster, but a general who can recruit and fight well.

Even if you can't meet this condition, you must have this potential.

Otherwise, Liu Ke didn't need to spend a lot of trouble.

After a while, there was commotion in front, and the two started arguing, dancing with knives and guns.

"Give way! Make way! The city guards are doing business!"

The appearance of the sergeant was very timely and the dispute was quickly stopped.

Such incidents happen all the time in Yecheng, and the patrol team in Yecheng is non-stop around the clock.

"Let Zhang Yun lead an army of [-] troops into the city." Liu Ke said decisively.

Although Jizhou has [-] defenders, they are scattered all over the country. Yecheng, as the governing body of Jizhou, is the most important, and there are only [-] city guards.

Under normal circumstances, there is no problem in maintaining order. Now that the floating population has increased, it appears that there is a shortage of manpower.

"Zitai is really too. I don't know how to ask me for help. Is it so difficult to ask me for a little thing?" Liu Ke blamed.

"General Tian also has difficulties to describe." Xu Chu said.

Liu Ke walked around for a while, and came to a restaurant to rest. As soon as he went upstairs, he met two handsome young men.

It was Chen Dao and Lu Meng.

"Hey, I didn't expect Yecheng to be so chaotic." Chen Dao said in surprise.

"What is this? Everyone wants to be a hero, but if you are a bit cowardly, you will become a bear. How can you not fight?" Lu Meng pointed out.

"Do you think we brothers are heroes or bears?" Chen Dao said.

Immediately, all the eyes in the restaurant were attracted.

These eyes seem to say, if you dare to say that you are a hero, you will be hit, and if you say that you are a bear, you will be laughed at.

In short, it is ill-intentioned.

The fierceness on the streets of the market!

Lu Meng couldn't help clenching the sword in his hand, but Chen Dao didn't care.

"Don't make trouble, if you hit someone, you won't be able to go to the Tongque Terrace."

There's nothing wrong with this sentence.

But in the eyes of Jianghu people, it is provocation!

Do you think we are easy to bully?I don't know who hits whom!

"Since this brother doesn't answer, let me guess, the two of you are probably bears!"

"Ha ha!"

There was bursts of laughter in the restaurant.

No matter how good-tempered Lu Meng is, there is a limit, and he drew his sword in an instant.

"Good guy, have courage!"

A dozen people stood up and surrounded Chen Dao and Lu Meng.

Before the shopkeeper had time to persuade, the two sides started fighting.

Crackling, wine jugs, wine glasses, and wine jars were all smashed.

"Zhongkang, go help." Liu Ke ordered.

Xu Chu roared angrily, stomped on the floor, and a hole appeared in an instant. The three of them were caught off guard and fell to the first floor.

Liu Ke covered his forehead, not knowing what to say.

This destructive power is so amazing that the shopkeeper is about to cry.

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