Then Xu Chu punched everyone, knocking everyone flying, smashing the tables and chairs.

"Strong man, stop beating!" The shopkeeper hurried out and hugged Xu Chu's thigh.

If you don't stop it, the whole restaurant will be gone.

Chen Dao and Lu Meng were also stunned. This big man was above them in terms of bravery, at least in terms of brute force.

Xu Chu looked at Liu Ke innocently, Liu Ke had no choice but to stand up and said, "It's okay, all the losses will be on my shoulders."

In just a dozen breaths, a group of officers and soldiers rushed in.

"Who is causing trouble?" the city guard captain shouted.

A few rioters struggled to escape, and the remaining courageous ones accused Xu Chu, "He beat us for no reason!"

The city guards looked at Xu Chu, this strong man is not easy to mess with!

When Chen Dao saw this, he immediately stepped forward and said, "My lord, it has nothing to do with this strong man, he's just helping out."

Lu Meng held the mentality that more things are worse than less things, but Xu Chu did it for them, and he couldn't help his conscience if he didn't help, so he also stood up to speak for Xu Chu.

Seven hundredth Chapter 17 happy

Obviously, Chen Dao and Lu Meng were too young, no one gave them face.

"Why did you beat someone?" the captain of the city guard asked Xu Chu.

"They ran into my son, it's their fate if they didn't get killed." Xu Chu said arrogantly.

Only then did everyone turn their attention to Liu Ke, who was so imposing, he was definitely not an ordinary person!

At the same time, there were more than [-] people standing beside Liu Ke, and the city guard team had no more than [-] people.

The city guards could only ask their superiors for instructions.

In order to avoid trouble, Liu Ke left a personal guard to deal with it, and left with others.

"Those two are quite loyal." Xu Chu praised.

"Pay attention to them, I want to know their origins." Liu Ke said, he didn't rush to get to know them, because more and more people gathered, it would be bad if they were recognized.

Liu Ke walked around and returned to the mansion, where Chen Dao and Lu Meng's information was placed on the case table.

It turned out to be the two of them!

For Lu Meng, Liu Ke was very impressed. "After three days away from scholars, you should look at him with admiration" was talking about him.

If Lu Meng hadn't died young, it would be difficult for Lu Xun to become a representative of Soochow.

And Chen Dao's status is not ordinary, known for his loyalty and bravery, after joining the Shu Han, he was called "Little Zhao Yun".

Now that the two of them have arrived in Yecheng together, it is good news for Liu Ke.

Be sure to recruit them!

Three days later, everything was ready, and [-] Yangzhou troops entered Tongque Terrace.

At the same time, the number of people participating in the event reached [-]!

This number is not particularly large, but the ability of the "Seeking Talents Order" to attract these people is enough to prove Liu Ke's terrifying appeal.

The event is not for everyone.

Among them, the first round of screening is the martial arts competition.

The martial arts competition outside the city had ended a day ago, and there were a total of [-] people who were able to have a banquet with Liu Ke on the stage.

The literati are much more relaxed, as long as they are well-known people, they can participate.

It doesn't matter if you are not famous, just take out the article you wrote, someone will read it, and you just need to pass it.

"My lord, you can go to Tongque Terrace," Guo Jia said.

It was about an hour's distance from Yecheng to Tongque Terrace. This time, Liu Ke did not ride a horse, but took a carriage and walked slowly.

It's more like a carriage than a mobile house.

Thirty-two war horses were pulling the cart in front.

When Liu Ke arrived at Tongque Terrace, it was also the time when the event began.

It is a headache to have to leave early and not arrive early.Regarding the memory of these ancestors, whether Liu Ke can abide by it or try his best to abide by it.

There is also a huge battle team in the team, which is full of grandeur.

Idlers retreated along the way.

"What happened to Chen Dao and Lu Meng that I brought to your attention?" Liu Ke asked.

Guo Tu was immediately very envious. Liu Ke could remember his name, and he would surely be successful in the future.

Today's young people are getting better and better, but they can't be compared with them.

"My lord, they are all in the winning team," Xu Chu said.

Liu Ke felt that it was overkill for such a trivial matter to bother a strong general like Xu Chu.

It seems that I need to find a careful person to do errands by my side.

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