"My lord, what are these two capable of?" Guo Jia asked.

"He is a rare general." Liu Ke commented.

Dian Wei obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Brother, how did you find out? They are not as powerful as Zhongkang."


It is clearly sabotage.

If it weren't for Xu Chu's strong background, he would have been imprisoned long ago.

Chen Dao and Lu Meng are newcomers, how dare they play hard.

"They are relatively versatile. Not only are they superb in martial arts, but they are also good commanders." Liu Ke said.

"Excellent martial arts? Then let's learn it later." Dian Wei said eagerly.

"They are not your opponents, and they can still compete with Jun Yi." Liu Ke said.

See so much at a glance?

Dian Wei admired him more and more.

"My lord, my martial arts aren't bad, are I?" Zhang He said depressedly.

"Hey, you're not bad at beating Fengxiao, but you're far behind us." Dian Wei said.

Guo Jia coughed and spewed out a mouthful of tea.

"Compete with me in martial arts? How about long-distance running!"

When it comes to long-distance running, Guo Jia is a little proud.When the Northern Expedition ended, he ran back to Dongyang City.

Who is better than him?

Zhang Yun was about to cry, but said: "My lord, they are bullying me, you are the judge."

Is this still the style of a general?

Guo Tu was dumbfounded, and at the same time envious.

This is the capital of Dongyanghou to conquer the world!

The civil servants and generals present here have followed Dongyang Hou for many years and established a deep friendship.

Guo Tu just came here halfway, so they can't be compared at all.

Thinking of this, Guo Tu couldn't help but glanced at Tian Feng with his eyes closed, and sighed in his heart:

Alas, the lord's defeat was unjust!

Of course, this lord refers to Yuan Shao.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao valued Guo Tu the most, but the relationship was not so close, at most he obeyed his advice.

When did such a funny thing happen?

This time, Guo Tu felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Junyi's martial arts is indeed not bad. If my martial arts is measured by 100, Junyi has reached at least 90." Liu Ke said.

"It's still my lord who understands me." Zhang He smiled, and all the grievances disappeared.

Since joining Liu Ke, Zhang Yun's martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds, and he never forgets to train himself.

Of course, not only Zhang He, but also others.

If you don't work hard, you can't keep up with Liu Ke's footsteps.

In recent years, Liu Ke has rarely led troops to charge.But it doesn't mean that his martial arts has regressed. As long as he gets aggressive, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others will not be able to catch up.

Lu Bu had a deep understanding. When he defeated Dong Zhuojun and rescued Hua Xiong, it was thrilling.Even now, Lu Bu is still fresh in his memory.

Two lunatics rushed into the enemy's formation, and countless corpses flew across.

That scene is nostalgic.

"Let me prove that Junyi's martial arts is only a little worse than mine," Lu Bu said.

In the Yangzhou Army, Lu Bu's martial arts is recognized as the second, and besides Liu Ke, he is the strongest.

Moreover, Lu Bu has always been at odds with Dian Wei.

Dian Wei agrees with things that he does not approve of.

"Fengxian, you big brother, I'm convinced!" Zhang Yun laughed.

"How much is this point, who can say for sure?" Dian Wei said angrily.

Even if you offend Zhang Xi, you have to say this!

Who let this sentence come out of Lu Bu's mouth.

Seeing that the fight was about to start, Liu Ke quickly stopped him and said, "Okay, okay, we've been together for so many years, and we're brothers who fought side by side, why do we have to fight over each other?"

When Liu Ke spoke, everyone had to give face.

Even if the dispute is because Liu Ke said that Lu Meng and Chen Dao's martial arts are not weaker than Zhang He.

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