"Kong Ming, tell me, should I run away from home?" Guo Jia said.

"Aren't you afraid that the lord will break your leg?" Zhuge Liang said angrily.

"We old people still lost some fun after all, alas." Guo Jia sighed.

However, their relationship with Liu Ke is something that others cannot envy.

"You scholar! I ran out for a while, and I didn't know who ate the meat on the plate. I have to punish you with a glass of apology!" Xu Chu said to Xu Gan.

General Xu drank all the wine in his cup. Military generals love to drink, and literati are not bad!

"Cheer up!" Xu Chu directly picked up the jar and poured wine into his mouth.

Then everyone took turns toasting Xu Gan, with various reasons, and directly made Xu Gan drunk.


Xu Qian was also very happy and started talking nonsense.

"Okay, okay, you're bullying a scholar, and if you have the ability, come to me." Liu Ke said with pride, and ordered people to take Xu Gan down and take good care of him.

Fearing that the world would not be chaotic, Guo Jia was the first to toast, and after returning, he bewitched others to join in the siege of Liu Ke.

Don't stop until your face turns red from drinking.

"My lord, it's no fun just drinking and listening to poetry and music," Lu Bu said.

"Fengxian, what's your suggestion?" Liu Ke said.

"It's better to have fun with martial arts," Lu Bu said.

The literati have a high status, but the warriors are not bad, especially in this troubled world, it is hard to find a general.

"This proposal is good." Dian Wei said, ready to move.

It seems that the two had premeditated and wanted to educate each other.

Fighting in front of so many guests, the loser must be very embarrassed.

When the time comes, it will be spread all over the world, hehe...

"Okay, let's start with Evil Lai and Feng Xian, let's start!" Liu Ke said.

Zhuge Liang immediately commanded, put away the musical instruments, and pushed dozens of drums.

Dian Wei and Lu Bu took the stage at the same time, their momentum was like a rainbow.

Boom boom boom!

As the drums sounded, everyone's attention was attracted.

"That's Lu Fengxian, known as the world's number one fierce general!"

"His opponent is Dian Wei, the sworn brother of the Marquis of Dongyang."

"Both of them are world-renowned brave generals, so they are actually competing here?"

Everyone gathered towards the arena at the same time, even literati crowded over.

An event, an absolute event!

Zhuge Liang came to the stage and presided over the speech: "Everyone, how can we do it without martial arts? Today, General Dian and General Lu will have a peak duel here to cheer you up!"

"Good!" the crowd shouted.

Chen Dao led Lu Meng to the front row, looking excited.

"Looking at the back is also watching, why do you have to come to the front row?" Lu Meng said angrily.

"Can it be the same? Dian Wei and Lu Bu are the best in martial arts in the world, and they can be ranked in the top ten. You are not interested in their martial arts competition?" Chen Dao said.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

Lu Meng was also a fighter in the village, so how could he not care.It's just that he doesn't think he's bad, so there's no need to praise others so much.

"Who do you think will win?" Chen Dao asked.

"Both of them are at their peak state. If we want to decide the winner, we need [-] rounds." Lu Meng said.

"You mean, it will end in a draw?" Chen Dao said.

"It's hard to say, it depends on how the Marquis of Dongyang arranges it." Lu Meng said.

"You are really boring. Since it is a martial arts competition, of course you have to go all out. Both of you have the pride of martial arts, how can you obediently obey the arrangement? Besides, Marquis Dongyang is also a martial artist, so he would not do such a thing." Chen Daodao .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Bu taunted: "Dianwei, just admit defeat when the time comes, and buy you a drink when I win. Anyway, you are not my opponent."

What do you mean not your opponent?

Dian Wei was furious when he heard this, Ma De, Lu Bu's words are really disgusting.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, no matter how you say it, Dian Wei will not be frightened.

"Hmph, we won't give up easily, don't get your nose bruised and swollen when the time comes." Dian Wei snorted coldly.

According to his usual record, it is not a problem for Dian Wei to last more than a hundred rounds. How long he can fight in the future depends on his state.

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