He has already made up his mind to slap Lu Bu in the face, even if he loses, he must lose with momentum.

Facing Lu Bu's mocking words, Dian Wei couldn't let him go.

This time, we must do our best to strive for the faint dawn of victory for ourselves.

"Contest, start!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Dian Wei yelled and attacked first.

The big knife transformed into afterimages, which enveloped Lu Bu in an instant, and slashed towards Lu Bu's thigh fiercely.

The knife is blunt, and its damage is limited, but Dian Wei's strength is strong, and he might lie down for at least a month if he gets hit.

Lu Bu held a fake Fang Tian painting halberd, but he didn't block it, but dodged it easily, and commented calmly:

"The strength is good."

The two were both peerless generals. Although Dian Wei was slightly inferior to Lu Bu, he couldn't let him insult him.

Three points faster.

Lu Bu responded cautiously, but despised his opponent in his demeanor.

"Okay? I've made you so much, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Dian Wei did not speak, and continued to attack silently. He had no intention of surrendering at all, and swung his knife again, shifting his center of gravity forward, revealing a flaw.

Lu Bu's counterattack came immediately. Seeing Fang Tian's painted halberd stabbing in front of him, Dian Wei was startled and quickly withdrew his knife to block.

Between lightning and flint, the two of you come and go for several rounds.

Lu Bu opened and closed, Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly slapped Dian Wei, Dian Wei rolled on his side, avoiding the attack.


With a violent shock, Fang Tian's painting halberd snapped off, revealing a clear trace on the ground.

The audience in the audience were dumbfounded.

They were dazzled by these vigorous moves, and had no way to evaluate which one was better.

But with Lu Bu's blow, they were shocked and speechless when they had a reference.

Peerless fierce generals often kill people with one move, so there is no need for any fancy moves.

If Lu Bu hit someone's body this time, he would definitely die. Even with the protection of the armor, the internal organs would be churning endlessly.Whether you can survive depends on whether your physique is strong enough.

For Dian Wei to roll around like a donkey, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing.But when he saw that Lu Bu's weapon was destroyed, he also dropped the sword in his hand, what a demeanor he was.

"We don't bully you either!" Dian Wei shouted.

There was applause from the audience.

"Is it useful to be clever?" Lu Bu said disdainfully.

Dian Wei's footsteps were as steady as Mount Tai, his figure was as swift as the wind, and he swung his fist straight to Lu Bu's chest.

Lu Bu let out a loud shout, ready to meet the attack.Dian Wei suddenly changed his attack and kicked Lu Bu's crotch.

"So cruel?"

Lu Bu quickly jumped away, but Dian Wei slapped Lu Bu's arm with a knife.

Lu Bu stretched out his hand to block, but found that Dian Wei's sword had no strength.

be cheated!

Dian Wei twisted his hand and slapped Lu Bu's ear.


Dian Wei was very sorry that he missed the face.

Lu Bu took the opportunity to kick Dianwei away, and the two sides opened up a distance.

"Dianwei, are you so shameless?"

If Lu Bu subconsciously leaned back, he would definitely be slapped.

"This is called soldiers never tire of deceit." Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu was furious, his fists were like two big hammers, and he attacked continuously.

Facing the furious Lu Bu, Dian Wei did not intend to back down, Dian Wei knew in his heart that the more he backed down, the more dangerous he would be.

Gritting his teeth, Dian Wei went up to meet him, and the two immediately fought fiercely together.

Bang bang bang!

It's like two sandbags are fighting each other, and their fighting ability is good.

Lu Bu is very strong, and he won the three armies bravely. No one can suppress him except Liu Ke.Dian Wei is not weak either, he was able to be in the top five in the Yangzhou Army, the confrontation between the two was very exciting, there was back and forth, and the audience below were hooked.


Lu Bu seized the opportunity, taking advantage of Dian Wei's unstable foot, and knocked Dian Wei into the air with one punch.

The strong force made Dian Wei fly in the air for nearly a breath.

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