But in the eyes of the generals in Yangzhou, it's like chickens pecking at each other, meaningless.

Might as well drink to have a good time!

Seeing everyone's lack of interest, Liu Ke said, "Why don't you play anymore?"

"My lord, we usually fight each other, and we all know the level of martial arts. I'm afraid there is no one like Elai, who likes to seek abuse?" Tai Shici said bluntly.

It is a bit too much to say that he is looking for abuse, but in the end, Dian Wei is indeed not Lu Bu's opponent.

This is the lesson of many bloody fights!

There are not many people who can be as persistent as Dian Wei just to slap Lu Bu, and everyone is very restrained.

After being reminded by Tai Shici, Liu Ke was connected.But it would be too boring to go on like this.

"In this case, let's have a shooting competition. Usually, you all brag about your archery skills. Shooting an ant from a hundred steps away makes my ears callous. Let's see the real thing now! "

"That's a good idea!" Guo Jia said.

"I'm afraid that someone's archery skills are useless." Lu Bu said, he is very proficient in riding and archery, which is not in vain at all.

Dian Wei is different. He is excellent in martial arts, but when it comes to archery, there is nothing outstanding.

"Who are you talking about? Isn't it archery?"

"Haha, with your appearance, you still want to compare yourself with me?" Lu Bu mocked.

If it is a normal martial arts competition, Dian Wei has a [-]% winning rate, but with archery, it is less than [-]%.

It can be described as a fatal blow!

For archery, it's not that Dian Wei didn't study hard. After all, it's a compulsory course for every general, but he really doesn't have much talent.

"Hmph, we're not stupid, why bother to fight in person? We can let Han Sheng fight for me."

Huang Zhong is in command of the Shesheng Battalion. He is also an elite who is good at shooting. In the Yangzhou Army, he can stably rank in the top three.

Speaking of Huang Zhong, Lu Bu showed fear on his face. This old man's archery skills are not a joke.

Walking through Yang with a hundred steps is just like playing!

"They may not necessarily help you." Lu Bu said truthfully.

Huang Zhong is getting old, he seldom fights with young people like them, and usually he rarely ends up in martial arts competitions.

However, can you underestimate his martial arts?

Hebei star Yan Liangwen Chou is the end!

"Han Sheng, help us once, and the five hundred gold gambling money can be given to you immediately." Dian Wei said.

Is this a request or a threat?

If you don't agree, will the five hundred gold be flying away?

Fuck, no matter how you calculate it, Dian Wei won't lose money, he has become so shrewd.

Huang Zhong hesitated, and said, "No problem."

"Okay! If you win, I'll give you double, and you won't let it go." Dian Wei patted his chest and said, then looked at Lu Bu proudly.


Lu Bu snorted coldly, and said, "Even if Han Sheng goes out to fight, he can't beat me 100%."

Huang Zhong and Lu Bu's archery skills are [-] to [-], and it depends on their performance on the spot.So Lu Bu is not false at all.

"Don't lose at that time and you won't be able to come to the stage." Dian Wei said.

"What's the use of talking nonsense? Let's talk about how to compare." Lu Bu said.

"Set a target, you two will compete like this, what else do you want?" Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu sneered and stopped talking.

With such a simple game rule, I am afraid that even a dozen or twenty arrows will not be able to tell the winner.

This Nima is obviously a test of arm strength, to see who can persevere, not the proficiency of archery.

"That's it? I really asked the wrong person." Lu Bu said speechlessly, "Han Sheng, what do you think?"

Huang Zhong didn't have any good solution, so he had to ask Liu Ke for advice.

"It's simple, set up a target at [-] steps, one at [-] steps, one at [-] steps, and one at [-] steps, a total of four grades." Liu Ke said.

Except for the one hundred and twenty steps which are a bit challenging, the others are routine operations. Lu Bu can't help but feel a little disappointed, but what Liu Ke said next caught his eyes.

"If the game is tied, add moving targets."

"What is a moving target?" Lu Bu asked curiously. Aren't all archery targets fixed?

"Use the sheep to carry the target to move, and you shoot at a hundred paces away." Liu Ke said.

In this way, the difficulty has increased a lot.

"This is a good idea, as expected of the lord!" Lu Bu said excitedly, looking forward to the next game.

Huang Zhong also agreed with this plan. In the battle, all he encountered were live targets, and it was not difficult to shoot quietly.

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