"Let's deal with it immediately." Dian Wei volunteered.

When the target was erected, everyone in the audience knew what had happened.

Archery has a long history and was originally used for hunting and warfare.The original archers were hunters, who used bows and arrows to hunt and kill animals to survive.Later the bow and arrow became a fearsome weapon in warfare.

Needless to say, warriors, archery is definitely a compulsory course.As for the literati, those who have the conditions at home will also invite shooting masters.

Because archery can cultivate a calm and steady character, and can also cultivate resilience, making them quick-thinking, resourceful and wise.

Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, archery has been one of the important educational contents.

Men have generally practiced archery since childhood, and archery has become a symbol of a man's ability, and it is called "a man's thing".Men are ashamed of not being able to shoot, "If you can't shoot, you will die."

Both Lu Bu and Huang Zhong are famous contemporary players, so they are naturally proficient in archery.

"Who will try the target first?" Dian Wei said.

However, the two looked at each other, neither of them had this plan.

Dian Wei was puzzled, isn't it just a waste of energy, why not do this?

"Little cloth head, come on, don't be so stingy."

Lu Bu had bruised veins on his forehead, but in order to maintain his best condition, he refused to try the target.

"This is your job, why don't you go up and make a fool of yourself."

Of course Dian Wei would not be fooled, said: "We still have important things to do." Suddenly seeing Zhao Yun at the side, "Zilong, why don't you try it?"

Zhao Yun didn't participate in the competition, so he had no problem giving it a try.

"Respect is worse than obedience."

Zhao Yun took a step forward holding his bow.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Zilong, I'm counting on you then."

"give it to me."

Zhao Yun didn't shirk. He held the bow, strode forward, and began to draw arrows from the quiver. The first target was fifty paces away.

"A blind man can hit such a close target, right?" Lu Meng said disdainfully.

Archery is a skill that every general knows. Whether you are proficient or not depends on your hard work and talent.

Zhao Yun drew the string to charge, aimed briefly, and after a breath, he let go of his hand suddenly, and the arrow shot out immediately, drawing a trajectory in the air, and hitting the bull's-eye.

"Good!" Dian Wei cheered.

Everyone looked weird, Zhang Yun stood up and said: "Come on, this is a basic operation, even I can easily succeed."

"Don't worry about the rest, let me ask you, did you hit the shot?" Dian Wei said.

"Hitted." Zhang He said.

"Then what reason do you have to belittle?" Dian Wei said.

Zhang He rolled his eyes and simply continued to watch Zhao Yun's performance.

The reason why the first target is set at [-] steps is to give the archer a chance to familiarize himself with the bow and make adjustments.

Zhao Yun obviously didn't need much time, and the second arrow was fired in an instant.


Hit the bullseye again.

And this target, the distance reached a hundred paces.

Being able to hit the target at a distance of a hundred steps, one can be regarded as a master with the understanding of bow and arrow.

Zhao Yun is proficient in this way.

"Okay! Zilong is mighty!" Dian Wei shouted again.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yun's third arrow also fired, and it hit without any accident.

That's one hundred and twenty steps!

At first, many people worried that the archery competition would be boring, and it was far less attractive than a direct fight between two people.

After Zhao Yun showed his hand, the surrounding people and audience shouted, feasting their eyes.

"Not bad!"

"It's amazing!"

"As expected of Dongyang Hou's brother-in-law!"

But Zhao Yun ignored the cheers around him, he glanced back at Dian Wei, and said, "Fortunately, life is not disgraceful."

"Zilong, it's not over yet." Dian Wei said.

"Oh? What else?" Zhao Yun just asked, several slow-moving sheep appeared in the field, pulling the target to move, and each target was a hundred paces away.

Zhao Yun's expression became serious in an instant.

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