"Zilong, try this again." Dian Wei said.

"it is good!"

The seriousness in Zhao Yun's eyes turned into a fighting spirit.Isn't that a moving target?

The same can be shot!

"Whoosh" a feathered arrow pierced the air, and suddenly plunged into the moving target.

The audience burst into warm cheers.

When Zhao Yun drew the arrow again, Lu Bu stopped him.

"Zilong, you stole our limelight, what shall we do?"

Zhao Yun's fighting spirit had just aroused, but suddenly disappeared without a trace, retracting freely.

"In that case, I will leave it to the two of you."

Lu Bu loosened his muscles and said, "No problem."

"Hey, you kid can't wait to lose? Zilong is an honest man, how can you bully him? This is his performance time!" Dian Wei dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yun stepped back, he didn't care about these false names at all.

Dian Wei looked resentful of his indisputable attitude, Zhao Yun had no objection, and he would appear petty if he babbled.

"Hmph, don't lose so ugly."

"If you have the ability, go on stage in person and see who is ugly." Lu Bu challenged.

Dian Wei wished he could pull Lü Bu's target two hundred paces away, and pick up which pot was left open.

"Han Sheng, we must defeat this arrogant kid."

"No problem, leave it to me." Huang Zhong vowed.

"That's right, it's this momentum, don't lose it." Dian Wei said with satisfaction.

Lu Bu didn't care at all, and said to Huang Zhong, "You come first or I come first?"

"I'll come first." Of course Huang Zhong refused to give way.

"Please!" Lu Bu made a gesture.

Huang Zhong sighed, and took out two arrows from the quiver. Before everyone was prepared, Huang Zhong hit the two targets of fifty paces and one hundred paces in an instant.

The visual impact is wonderful!

"Beautiful!" Dian Wei couldn't help shouting.

One must know that fifty paces and one hundred paces are two targets at different distances, yet Huang Zhong was able to hit them at the same time.

How powerful is the control of arrows?

Lu Bu's face was serious. He knew Huang Zhong was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

Huang Zhong is really too low-key, coupled with his age, it is always easy for people to ignore him

While exclaiming, the third arrow seemed to have eyes and hit the target at [-] paces.

After showing off his skills, Huang Zhong chose to be safe.

As long as you hit the target, you can score, why choose fancy moves?

Then the moving target appeared.

Huang Zhong pulled the bowstring and shot all the bows and arrows in the quiver in one go.

The speed is too fast, usually just see the target being hit continuously, but don't know if there are any arrows that miss.

Only people with good eyesight know.

All hits!

How powerful would it be to do this?

Even Zhao Yun sighed!

"The old general is mighty!" Dian Wei clapped his palms excitedly, and when he got excited, he slapped Zhang Xi's thigh with a slap.

Dian Wei's strength was great, neither light nor heavy.

That's sour!

I'm afraid only Zhang He knows.

"Nmp, you little villain, you actually took the opportunity to retaliate!"

"Hey, I can't help it, I can't help it..." Dian Wei laughed.

Zhang He wanted to continue to pursue the matter, but Dian Wei gave him a sharp look, as if you were going to fight if you don't accept it.

Zhang Yun felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and it is a blessing to suffer.

However, he would not let others bully him, and left the position close to Dian Wei.

Can't you provoke me, can't you hide?

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