Cao Hong seemed to be in disbelief that the Lord didn't go straight to Xi Zhicai's mansion when he heard the news.

Instead, ask the so-called trick?

"Prime Minister, the subordinates are not in a hurry to make plans." Sima Yi cupped his hands.

The strategy is in his mind, but he can't escape.Moreover, Cao Cao's current state is not suitable for handling things and making decisions.

"You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry! The court is in a hurry, and Zhicai is also in a hurry!" Cao Cao suddenly stood up excitedly, and slapped the map on the table with his palm.


A loud bang came.

"Great rivers and mountains, don't belong to Dongyanghou alone! I have been fighting with Zhicai for many years, just to compete with Dongyanghou. Zhicai is watching me. If I do nothing, I will be sorry for him!"

Spit sprayed Sima Yi's face, but Sima Yi didn't care, and was even a little happy. Cao Cao's anger was tinged with reason.

Cao Cao deeply realized that Liu Ke was the enemy.If Liu Ke is not eliminated for a day, the world will never have a peaceful day.

He Cao Mengde will die, let alone Xi Zhicai?

"Say, if this plan is really as good as you said, I will take this plan to Zhicai, so that he can feel at ease!" Cao Cao said.

Sima Yi couldn't help being a little excited, which meant that he succeeded in taking the position of Xi Zhicai.

"Prime Minister, Dongyang Hou's forces, external real forces can no longer control it."

"You mean, dismantle them from within?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao thought of Cheng Yu, since he sold a piece of information last time, he had already broken up with him.

Another sad thing!

"That's right, let's start with Yangzhou's disadvantages." Sima Yi said.

"Yangzhou has been run by the Marquis of Dongyang in such a solid state that even the rumors are still alive. Tell me, what can you do?" Cao Cao asked suspiciously.

"The first disadvantage is that Yangzhou emphasizes commerce. Now the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce has become a giant. As long as we start from here, we will definitely be able to inflict heavy damage on Dongyanghou.

Yangzhou merchants have wealth, but no power. Their survival depends entirely on the trust of the Marquis of Dongyang, so they have no sense of security.

Once Dongyang Hou's tone changed, the merchants could only be caught without a fight. They were like fat sheep, ready to be slaughtered. " Sima Yi said.

"According to what you say, what's the use of being a worthless businessman?" Cao Cao said.

"No, wealth is the weapon of merchants. The reason why Marquis Dongyang was able to fight a war with millions of people is due to merchants. Merchants are all greedy. Marquis Dongyang did not give them a corresponding status, and they will definitely be very dissatisfied." Sima Yi road.

"That's right, how do you do it?" Cao Cao said.

"Smuggling!" Sima Yi blurted out, "Purchase a lot of money to buy ironware and various controlled items from Yangzhou merchants, and get hold of them, so as to coerce them into doing things for us. When necessary, directly detonate it to expand the conflict between the Yangzhou government and merchants."

"Good." Cao Cao said, but the court's finances... are worrying.

We can only set up a few more touch gold captains.

"Secondly, the Marquis of Dongyang has opened up the wisdom of the people crazily. For thousands of years, the kings have followed the strategy of fooling the people. The Marquis of Dongyang has done the opposite, which has spawned cultural troublesome people. As long as we guide it a little, an alternative trend of thought can erupt and let The Marquis of Dongyang won't come down to Taiwan," Sima Yi said.

"How is this different from the strategy of rumors?" Cao Cao asked puzzled.

"Rumors are created out of thin air, and most of them are not true. The trend of thought was triggered by Yangzhou itself, and it has a certain truth." Sima Yi said.

If it wasn't for Cao Cao's cleverness, he wouldn't be able to keep up with Sima Yi's thinking.

"It makes sense, but how do we take the first step and break into the interior of Yangzhou?"

"My lord, I need someone's help. This person's name is Ruo Rong, from Danyang, Yangzhou, who is quite famous in the local area." Sima Yi said.

"What's so special about this person?" Cao Cao asked.

"When the world was in chaos, Ruo Rong gathered hundreds of people and went to Xuzhou to join the governor Tao Qian.

Tao Qian trusted him very much and appointed him to take charge of the water transportation in Xiapi and Pengcheng.After Ruo Rong took office, he was fierce and cruel, and his nature was exposed. He indulged his subordinates in robbery and murder, and took all the income from the water transportation for his own use.

But this person is not good for money, but good for face.Ruo Rong used the financial resources in his hands to build a large pagoda ancestral hall and cast gold and bronze Buddha statues. The Buddha statues were painted with gold and the clothes were also made of the best brocade.

The ancestral hall is hung with nine-story copper plates, and heavy pavilions and roads are built below it. The entire ancestral hall can accommodate thousands of people.

These people recite Buddhist scriptures in it, and let those who like Buddhism in the jurisdiction and other counties come to listen to the Buddha.He also used a variety of ways to attract audiences, and more than [-] households came from far and near.

Every time it comes to Buddha bathing season, Ruo Rong ordered people to set up banquets on the side of the road, and the people flocked for dozens of miles. Tens of thousands of people came to watch and eat, and the money spent was often in the hundreds of millions. "Sima Yi introduced.

"Why is there no rumor about such a person?" Cao Cao asked in surprise.

"Everything changed after the Marquis of Dongyang took over Yangzhou. Therefore, Ruo Rong hated the Marquis of Dongyang in his heart," Sima Yi said.

"So that's how it is." Cao Cao pondered.

When Sima Yi mentioned this, Cao Cao would be a fool if he didn't understand.

It is to use Buddhist and Taoist thoughts to control speech!

However, Sima Yi was clearly wiser, and he continued: "Nowadays, Yangzhou merchants hold a lot of wealth, and through Ruo Rong's lobbying, they will build temples. The combination of Buddhism and merchants will become the biggest stumbling block for Dongyanghou."

"Good." Cao Cao said.

"The key to this plan lies in Ruo Rong. Only by letting him be used by us can we implement it." Sima Yi said.

"Send someone to recruit Ruo Rong, only success is allowed, not failure." Cao Cao said firmly.

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