Cao Cao recognized Sima Yi's strategy very much. This person is still capable and flexible.But for some reason, Cao Cao couldn't get close to him.

"Prime Minister, this matter must be done in secret, otherwise the Marquis of Dongyang will become suspicious. This subordinate recommends Wang Lang as an envoy," Sima Yi said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wang Lang was originally the prefect of Kuaiji, but he disobeyed Liu Ke and was expelled. He went to Cao Cao and worshiped the doctor.

He was very low-key in Cao Cao's camp. He presided over the prison, handled affairs and often forgave criminals, and when the charges were suspicious, he would give lighter punishments, gradually accumulating his reputation.

Although he has been away from Yangzhou for many years, Wang Lang's prestige is still there, so it is most suitable to send him to recruit Ruo Rong.

"Good." Cao Cao agreed.

Sima Yi explained some details and perfected his plan, Cao Cao nodded frequently.

"In this way, I also have the face to meet Zhicai."

When he said this, he didn't know what Cao Cao was feeling.


On the same day, Zhuge Liang watched the stars at night and found a comet piercing the sky, feeling a little sad.

"Kong Ming, what did you find?" Liu Ke asked curiously.

"The famous people in the Central Plains have fallen." Zhuge Liang said.

The next day, Liu Ke received news that Xi Zhicai, an important adviser to Cao Cao's army, died of illness.

"It's a pity." Liu Ke said.

There are many scholars in Yingchuan, and Xi Zhicai is one of them.

But unlike others, Xi Zhicai was born in a poor family and had no identity background. Cao Cao took a fancy to him at a glance.

The Xun family in Yingchuan was the head of the scholars within the Cao Cao Group and had a huge influence.Its intertwined relationship with the Zhong family in Yingchuan and the Sima family in Hanoi made the power it formed second only to Cao, the prince of Xia who was in charge of the army.

If it weren't for Xun Yu's advocacy of "serving the Son of Heaven" and renunciation with Cao Cao, I'm afraid the Xun family would have gone one step further.

The hearts of the family are too complicated!

Xun Yu defected to Cao Cao, but Xun You served in Yangzhou. Xun Yu's son-in-law Chen Qun was also an important minister of Yangzhou.

How does this reassure Cao Cao?

The appearance of Xi Zhicai made Cao Cao's eyes brighten, and he wished to sleep with him.

Unfortunately, Xi Zhicai passed away at a young age.

For this reason, Cao Cao held a grand funeral.

"Xi Zhicai is a contemporary celebrity, do we want to show it?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, just send someone to offer condolences," Zhuge Liang said.

At Liu Ke's current level, there is really no need to go to war.Xizhi has a good ability, but that's all, there is no major achievement.

"How about this, let Zhou Buyi go instead of me, and learn about the situation in Xuchang by the way." Liu Ke said.

Xi Zhicai's fall, someone must be in charge, it is a huge blow to Yingchuan's forces.

Liu Ke needs to know what changes will happen to Xuchang because of this.

"Zhou Buyi is young and arrogant, my lord might as well send another minister to accompany him." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Ke thought about it, and said, "Xin Pi is quite free recently, let him go together."

Simpi is also from Yingchuan, just like coming home.

So, Zhou Buyi and Xin Pi went west all the way, arrived in Runan, and stayed for a while.

Simpi was puzzled, and said: "The lord ordered us to rush to Xuchang immediately, there must be no mistakes. No doubt why stop?"

"You don't know that, do you? Xuchang is the enemy's territory. How can we go deep without any protection?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"What protection do you want?" Simpi asked.

Soon Simpi understood, because he saw a large number of cavalry, and the leader was Gao Shun.

After Gao Shun stopped, Zhou Buyi hurried over to lead the horse, and shouted kindly:

"Uncle Gao."

The corner of Xin Pi's mouth twitched, this clever ghost actually found a backer!

Liu Ke sent Zhang Liao and Gao Shun to command an army of [-] troops to station in Runan, just to keep an eye on Xu Chang's every move.

Gao Shun dismounted and patted Zhou Buyi's shoulder, which was very thick.

"Boy, you haven't slackened in your martial arts recently. It's obvious that the lord doesn't care about you."

"What do you mean don't care about me? No, the teacher always thinks of me in Yecheng, telling me to run errands every day, I'm exhausted." Zhou Buyi boasted.

"I'm on military affairs. It's already an exception to meet you this time. Don't worry, send someone to inform me if you have anything to do. If you are in danger, I will save you if you take down Xuchang, haha!" Gao Shun said frankly. laughed.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao!" Zhou Buyi clasped his fists together.

After Gao Shun rode his horse away, Zhou Buyi ordered the team to move on.

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