Xin Pi gave a thumbs up. Relying on Ying Chuan's signboard, he has gradually integrated into Yangzhou, but he is still far behind Zhou Buyi.

He obviously didn't have any position, but relying on his relationship with the students of Dongyang Marquis, Zhou Buyi was very successful in Yangzhou.

"This is called worshiping the top of the mountain. In Xuchang now, who doesn't give face to General Gao?" Zhou Buyi said proudly.

Simpi curled his lips, disdainful on the surface, but envious in his heart.

This is the feeling of having a backer?

When Xin Pi was in Jizhou, he did well, but compared with Zhou Buyi, he was nothing compared to Zhou Buyi.

When they entered the boundary of Xuchang, Zhou Buyi ordered Gaoshun's military flag to be hung.

This is a small gift Gao Shun left for Zhou Buyi before he left.

The mission team, originally composed of dozens of people, immediately became majestic after hanging this flag.

The scouts of Cao Cao's army hurriedly reported to the higher authorities. When Cao Hong learned about it, he sent a thousand-man cavalry to escort Zhou Buyi.

There must be nothing wrong with Zhou Buyi!

"The Marquis of Dongyang has no good intentions, Xuchang finally stabilized." Cao Cao said with emotion after hearing Cao Hong's report.

The last time Dongyanghou was assassinated in Xuchang, it made Xuchang jump.

Although he didn't come in person this time, he sent his disciple Zhou Buyi.

Zhou Buyi also has status in Yangzhou.

"My lord, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this matter. Zhicai died of illness, so Dongyang Marquis has no reason to care about him." Sima Yi said.

"Hmph, he just wanted to block me. He called the wind and rain on the Tongque Terrace, recruiting talents from all over the world. But I lost my talents..."

Having said that, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling sad.

"My lord's condolences." Sima Yi said.

"Didn't Zihuan come back from Bingzhou? Ask him to receive this senior brother and inquire casually. What's the purpose of this week?" Cao Cao ordered.

Sima Yi handed over his hand and resigned. It was because of Cao Pi that he voted for Cao again.

Time is not forgiving!

Cao Cao's sons also gradually grew up, and both Cao Pi and Cao Zhi had the chance to become the sons of the world.

Sima Yi is Cao Pi's staunchest supporter, and Cao Zhi has brothers Yang Xiu and Ding Yi to help him, and his power is not small. The reason why the conflict did not break out is because of foreign troubles.

Whoever makes trouble at this time will become Cao Cao's enemy, so Cao Pi and Cao Zhi are very restrained.

However, they have no shortage of ways to fight.

Cao Zhi was good at poetry and was deeply loved by Cao Cao. Cao Cao often praised Cao Zhi in front of his ministers.

Cao Pi also has literary talents, but after all, he is not as good as the genius among geniuses.When there was a locust plague in Bingzhou, Sima Yi suggested to Cao Pi to deal with it, and after a performance, it turned out to be a success.

Now receiving Zhou Buyi is also a job!

Sima Yi decided to have a talk with Cao Pi to discuss a favorable plan to make Zhou Buyi more peaceful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, the Prime Minister entrusted you with the task of receiving Zhou Buyi." Sima Yi said.

Cao Pi was very happy at first, but he fell silent after a while.

In order to win the trust of Liu Ke, Cao Cao asked Cao Pi to go to Yangzhou to be Liu Ke's student, and Cao Pi did get the treatment he deserved.

But some gossip inevitably came out that Cao Pi was the proton!

What is even more puzzling is that Cao Cao did not make an excuse for this matter, which made Cao Pi suffer injustice.

Yang Xiu often used this matter to tease Cao Pi. Although Cao Pi hated him, he was helpless.

With Cao Pi's achievements in Bingzhou, everyone temporarily forgot about it, but now that Zhou Buyi is coming, everything is unpredictable.

"Zhongda, what should I do?" Cao Pi asked at a loss.

"My lord, if you have a visitor from afar, of course you should welcome him, not to mention that this person is your senior brother." Sima Yi said.

"However, things will not be so simple. If you are too enthusiastic, you will give others a handle. If you are too indifferent, it is better not to go." Cao Pi said.

Zhou Buyi is not easy to fool!

From the moment Cao Pi arrived in Yangzhou, he lived in the shadow of Zhou Buyi.

This feeling is both love and hate.

"Just follow your heart." Sima Yi said.

"It's easier said than done!" Cao Pi sighed, "Once I made up my mind, I couldn't easily face everyone."

The so-called determination, of course, is to seize the heir.Only in this way can Cao Pi have enough strength to implement his lofty ambitions.

No matter how strong Zhou Buyi was, he was still just a courtier, while Cao Pi was qualified to be a king. This is the difference.

Xuchang is currently in a delicate state, and the struggle between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi is still within the tolerance of Cao Cao.

However, this also caused Cao Pi to be cautious.

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