"Master, you must not go to meet Zhou Buyi!" Wu Zhi said.

This Wu Zhi is one of the famous "Four Friends of Cao Pi". During the trip to Bingzhou, he helped Cao Pi overcome difficulties and obstacles, so Cao Pi trusted him very much.

Wu Zhi was born in a "Shan Family", that is, a lonely and poor family, but he liked to contact with the upper class.

It's fine if it's someone else, folks and neighbors, Wu Zhi is not a thing.

In the ancient times when communication was underdeveloped, if you want to know a person, you must inquire about his style.

Wu is full of poor quality.

It stands to reason that such a person will not have a bright future.But Cao Cao's "talent only", as long as you have the ability, even a piece of garbage will be collected.

Wu Zhi's articles were well written, but his literary talent was not comparable to that of the Seven Sons of Jian'an, so he was barely hired.

But this person can manage relationships, and he worshiped under Cao Pi.

Cao Pi stayed in Yangzhou for so many years, and he didn't have many talents under his command. He was thirsty for talents, so Wu Zhi took advantage of his loopholes.

What Wu Zhi knows how to be a man is that after taking refuge in Cao Pi, his whole person has a new look and becomes "better".

Soon after, there were rumors that Wu Zhi was influenced by Cao Pi and decided to be an honest man, and Cao Pi's reputation rose a lot.

Wu Zhi seems to be accumulating his own crimes. Only when his status has improved can he continue to do evil, isn't it?

In the official history, after Wu Zhi died, the posthumous title given to him by Cao Rui, Emperor Ming at that time, was "Ugly Marquis", and the whole world was like this.

Now Wu Zhi stood up against Cao Pi's welcome to Zhou Buyi, and Cao Pi attached great importance to it.

"My lord, you can entrust the task to me. In this way, you don't have to come forward in person, and you can complete the prime minister's task." Wu Zhi said.

This is the way he came up with to get the best of both worlds.

Cao Pi's eyes lit up, and when he was about to agree, Sima Yi strongly opposed it.

"The prime minister personally ordered, and the young master didn't even show his face. Do you want to despise the prime minister?"

Cao Pi showed embarrassment, and Wu Zhi didn't dare to refute.

If it wasn't for Sima Yi's recommendation, Wu Zhi wouldn't be able to take the position of Cao Pi's confidant.

Which is more important, Wu Zhi has his own steelyard to measure.

"Is the Marquis of Dongyang strong?" Sima Yi suddenly asked.

"Very powerful!" Cao Pi said.

"Compared to the imperial court?" Sima Yi asked again.

"The teacher is stronger." Cao Pi said.

"Very good, my lord, I would venture to ask, why don't you use such a powerful assistance?" Sima Yi almost scolded.

Cao Pi was stunned, shouldn't he stay away?

His biggest weakness is that he has lived in Yangzhou for several years.This point was criticized again and again by Cao Zhi's supporters, secretly ridiculing it.

Sima Yi made a suggestion at this time to move closer to Yangzhou, wouldn't it continue to make people laugh.

"No matter how you evade, Young Master, Yangzhou is a problem you need to face. First, to cut off kindness and justice, never to have any contact with each other after old age and death, following the wishes of Yang Xiu and others, what good will it do us?

Second, continue to maintain a good relationship with Yangzhou and rely on Yangzhou's strength to become the prince.If you can't bear even this humiliation, how can you achieve great things? " Sima Yi said.

"I understand what Zhongda means." Cao Pi took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

"As long as you maintain a good relationship with Yangzhou, even the prime minister will have to take you seriously. To say something offensive, the prime minister is no match for Marquis Dongyang, and will rely on you at that time!" Sima Yi said sharply.

In the end, the word "rely on" made Cao Pi's blood boil.

Father, will you also bow to me?

Cao Pi couldn't help clenching his fists.

Wu Zhi listened with gusto, what does it mean to be scheming?

Sima Yi is, obviously he is still so young.

"I'm going to meet my good senior brother right now." Cao Pi said boldly and honestly, the scene must be grand and grand.

Zhou Bu doubt likes this the most.

"Wait a minute." Sima Yi said, "My lord, you can dress lightly and follow along."

"Why?" Cao Pi asked puzzled.

"People's words are scary, and it's good to be able to block a little bit. Now the young master is following orders. Yang Xiu and others dare not say anything wrong with you. If it's too grand, it's hard to say anything." Sima Yi said.

"Good." Cao Pi said.

"However, we can't neglect Zhou Buyi, young master can choose some gifts to offer." Sima Yi said.

"Zhongda is really meticulous in his work," Cao Pi said.

Sima Yi smiled slightly, Cao Cao is a hero of the generation, he is too guarded, the Sima family still has a long way to go if they want to rise.

Cao Pi is different. When he was in Yangzhou, Sima Yi took refuge in the past, which can be described as a timely help.

Regarding the future, Sima Yi has deep-seated plans, whether they will be successful or not depends on God's will.

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