"You still have the strength to beg for mercy, keep fighting!" Zhou Buyi commanded.

Xu You didn't speak at all, but stared.

"If you dare to pretend to be dead, keep hitting me!" Zhou Buyi said, his guards were trained by him himself.

For this reason, he also specialized in research on how to beat people in pain without killing them.Now this unique skill has been taught to his subordinates, and the scene in front of him has appeared.

After a group fight, Guardian News reported:

"General Zhou, it seems that he really passed out."

Zhou Buyi waved his hand, signaling to let Xu You go.

Xu You's servant hurried forward and dragged him back, and it took a lot of effort to rescue him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


When Xu You woke up, his bones were all falling apart, and he wailed loudly.

Seeing Zhou Buyi swaggering into the theater, Xu You wished he could rush up and kill him with his eyes.

This feud is over.

The servant hurriedly sent Xu You to the doctor, but Xu You scolded: "What are you doing? This injury will kill me! --- Hurry up, send me to the Prime Minister's Mansion, I want to see the lord!"

Just like that, Xu You was carried away, with bumps and screams all the way.

After finally reaching the prime minister's mansion, Xu You almost vomited blood and died.

Seeing Xu You's injury, Cao Hong was taken aback, and said, "Xu Ziyuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Being beaten up, I asked to see the prime minister and let the prime minister decide for me."

Cao Hong was stunned for a moment, this is Xuchang, and someone committed a crime in the street?

"Who is so bold?"

"Zhou Buyi!"

Cao Hong just shut up, he couldn't control this matter, so he had to bring Xu You to see Cao Cao.

When Xu You saw Cao Cao, he rolled and crawled, crying, "Prime Minister..."

I can't cry!

Seeing Xu You's miserable state, Cao Cao frowned and said, "Why is Ziyuan injured so badly?"

Xu You recounted the matter with embellishment, how arrogant and domineering Zhou Buyi was, he was dissatisfied just because he was at the front of the line when he was offering condolences, and he killed him. There is a dead body.

Due to speaking too fast, Xu You's mouth was distorted again, and Xu You's speech was a little unclear.

"Ziyuan, you fell on the street? Are you so careless?" Cao Cao said confusedly.

Xu You was stunned. He felt that his explanation was clear enough. Some words might not be clear to Cao Cao, but the overall meaning must be understandable.

How could it be distorted into wrestling?

Xu You is also a person with a delicate mind. He was beaten ugly, but his head was not damaged, so he understood in an instant.

Cao Cao had no way to stand up for him, making him feel unlucky.

How can you do this?

Is there any reason?

But under Cao Cao's breathtaking eyes, Xu You had no room to bargain.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I accidentally fell."

When he said these words, Xu You felt that the sky was falling and his dignity was shattered to the ground.

He didn't dare to hate Cao Cao, and he would shelter from the rain under his roof in the future.The person he really hates is Zhou Buyi. If Zhou Buyi wasn't arrogant and unreasonable, how could Xu You be ashamed?

"Since you fell so badly, you should rest at home and stop walking around," Cao Cao said.

"Yes!" Xu You said dumbfoundedly.

As soon as Cao Cao winked, one of his servants left and brought a box of ginseng.

"Ziyuan, this is the best medicinal material. Take good care of your body and don't think too much about it." Cao Cao said, and told the imperial physician to take good care of Xu You.

Between the lines, Cao Cao told Xu You to calm down and not think about revenge.

Of course Xu You could hear it, but who would be willing?

This kind of insult must be paid back twice before it can be washed away.

As soon as he left the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Xu You bumped into Cui Yan head-on.

Cui Yan is a famous scholar in Hebei, and he was born in the Cui family of Qinghe.

When Cui Yan was twenty-nine years old, he made friends with Gongsun Fang and others, and went to study under Zheng Xuan's school. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, food was very scarce, and Zheng Xuan had to stop teaching.

After returning to Hebei, Cui Yan entertained himself by playing the piano and reading at home.

General Yuan Shao recruited Cui Yan when he heard about it, and Cui Yan became Yuan Shao's subordinate.

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