At that time, Yuan Shao's soldiers were domineering and tyrannical, digging graves for military expenses, and their reputation was very bad.

Cui Yangui persuaded: "Xun Kuang said in the past: 'If you don't teach soldiers a lesson, your combat effectiveness will not be strong. Even people like Shang Tang and King Wu of Zhou cannot rely on them to win battles.'

Now that the bones are exposed on the road, and the people have not seen your benevolent government, you should order the counties and counties to bury the corpses to show your love for the dead and follow the benevolent deeds of King Wen of Zhou. "

Yuan Shao made Cui Yan the captain of cavalry.

After Yuan Shao was defeated, Cui Yan also lost his job, so he came to Cao Cao and got a job.

The relationship between Xu You and Cui Yan was average, but after arriving in Cao Cao's camp, their relationship quickly warmed up.

It's not because they are like-minded, but because they want to hug each other for warmth.

So, seeing Xu You in such a mess, Cui Yan was very shocked.

"Ziyuan, what happened? Why are you in such a mess?"

"Forget it!" Xu You sighed.

In the end, he was still stubborn, and confessed to Zhou Buyu, the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Hmph, Marquis Dongyang can't teach good apprentices." Cui Yan sneered.

Seeing that Cui Yan was so dissatisfied, Xu You felt sympathy for him. Could it be that Cui Yan was also beaten?

"Hehe, things are not as simple as Ziyuan thought. You also know that after Yuangong's defeat, most of our Qinghe Cui family moved to the Guanzhong area, leaving only some side branches in Jizhou. But some time ago, the Cui family in Yecheng He was punished for treason, and the Patriarch Cui Kang died tragically."

"There is such a thing!" Xu You said with wide eyes.

The Cui family of Qinghe was well-known in Hebei, but they did not expect to suffer a fatal blow.

Not only was it forced to relocate, but a side branch was also destroyed.

This is Qinghe Cui's slap in the face!

In history, the Qinghe Cui family was one of the top ten famous families in ancient times, and the Cui Yan family flourished until the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Officials in the early Tang Dynasty revised the "Clan Records" and listed the Cui family as the first. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was furious and said: "The Cui family has long since declined. There are no prominent officials and no talents. Why is it listed as the first? Is it true that I am Li?" Clan is the Son of Heaven, so why not compare to Cui Clan?"

Cui's energy can be seen.

"Ziyuan is injured like this, is the prime minister willing to make decisions for you?" Cui Yan asked.

be a fart!

Xu You really wanted to yell, but the more injured he is now, the more he needs grace.

"The prime minister said that Zhou Buyi is his junior, so it's not easy to control."

Xu You played tricks, he couldn't say that Cao Cao didn't want to stand up for him, so he made an excuse, which also seemed to save face.

Cui Yan knew it well, but he didn't make it clear.That's right, Dongyang Hou is powerful, and the prime minister doesn't want to start a dispute, so he can only let Xu You endure the humiliation.

"Ziyuan don't have to worry, you are working for the prime minister now, if you beat you, you just don't give the prime minister face, the prime minister will definitely keep it in mind."

Revenge fiercely in the future!

However, today's hatred and today's revenge are the actions of a real man!

Xu You couldn't swallow this breath.

"It's not impossible for Ziyuan to express his anger." Cui Yan said.

"What did Ji Gui teach me?" Xu You said excitedly, "I owe you a favor!"

Cui Yan smiled slightly and said:

"Why don't you invite Mr. Cao Zhi to take action?"


Xu You froze for a moment, and soon realized.

Cao Zhi and Zhou Buyi are of the same age, so they are not considered bullying. Moreover, Zhou Buyi is Cao Pi's senior brother, so he naturally stands on the opposite side of Cao Zhi.

"I understand!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, Xu You suddenly showed embarrassment.

"Ziyuan, what can't you say directly?" Cui Yan said.

"Hey, look at me like this, how can I meet Mr. Cao Zhi?" Xu You said.

Cui Yan thought about it, and said, "I'll go for a walk."

"Then I would like to thank Ji Gui, thank you for your kindness!" Xu You smiled with difficulty, looking ferocious and terrifying.

Cui Yan was taken aback, and quickly said: "Ziyuan should go back to recuperate first, please wait for my good news."

"Thank you." Xu You said respectfully.

Under the guard of the servants, Xu You went home happily.

Now Zhou Buyi is doomed!

Back home, Xu You woke up suddenly, he missed an important news.

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