Especially when the imperial court was struggling, Cao Cao cut down on food and clothing in order to develop.In order to respond to his father, Cao Zhi was also poor.There were even rumors in Xuchang City that Cao Zhi secretly sold calligraphy to support his family.

This poetry meeting took three months of Cao Zhi's pocket money before he was able to sell Xianglou.

As a result, as soon as they met, they were ridiculed by Zhou Buyi, Cao Zhi was so angry!

"I've never seen such a rude person. Is this how Dongyang Hou educated you?"

Chapter seven hundred and seventy first to save face

Zhou Buyi couldn't tolerate someone blackmailing Liu Ke the most. He was obviously arrogant and domineering, so why did he always blame the teacher?

Sorry teacher, let you take the blame again!

"Oh, it's a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, a simple misunderstanding is enough?" Cao Zhi said angrily.

"I thought Cao Zhi asked a servant to greet me to humiliate me. Who knew that this servant was you?" Zhou Buyi said frankly.

"You!" Cao Zhi was so suffocated that he couldn't speak, and with this kind of explanation, he finally opened his eyes.

"Anyway, you are also opening a Hongmen banquet. You have no good intentions. I have come here, but you haven't invited me in yet. Your hospitality is not very good, and the prime minister has not taught you well." Zhou Bu doubted.

To put it so directly?

Cao Zhi once again refreshed his understanding of Zhou Buyi.

"Just now you said that my teacher can't teach me well, but it doesn't mean my teacher is not a good teacher. To prove this, I will write to the prime minister to let you study in Yangzhou for a period of time. Yangzhou is a holy place for studying. I will definitely not treat you badly. I will also take care of you when you are in my territory." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi suddenly turned pale with fright, going to study in Yangzhou?

Are you playing everyone for fools?

It's clearly being a hostage!

Moreover, Zhou Buyi even threatened to face him, and when he arrived in Yangzhou, he would be dealt with directly...

Is there any reason?

Cao Zhi asked the sky angrily.

"No misunderstanding can't be resolved with a glass of wine. If it still doesn't work, then have another glass!" Yang Xiu said.

"Then drink!" Zhou Buyi said straightforwardly.

Cao Zhi also came down the steps.

"This meal, please." Zhou Buyi said generously.

"Young Master Zhou is a guest, so we should invite you." Yang Xiu said.

"You guys please? I remember that Xianglou's consumption is not low, right? I see that Brother Zijian is dressed in such shabby clothes, you should save your money to buy new clothes." Zhou Buyi said.

After Cao Zhi finally calmed down, he became agitated again.

"Zhou Buyi, are you here for the meeting, or are you here to mess things up?"

"Of course I came to the meeting." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Then why are you taking the lead?" Cao Zhi shouted.

"Because it's fun." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi was dumbfounded. He was convinced of this reason, and he couldn't accept it.

"Forget it, don't argue with me, I will be responsible for this." Zhou Bu doubted.

"No!" Cao Zhi insisted, this is a matter of principle.

"I'm afraid that the set meals you ordered are not enough, and you will still be hungry when you go out." Zhou Buyi said bluntly, making people's fists ready to move.

"Young Master Zhou, order casually!" Cao Zhi said.

Cao Pi on the side patted his forehead, not wanting to remind this stupid brother who cares about face.

Do you think Zhou Busu will be polite to you?

No, Zhou Buyi was already greeting the shopkeeper, and ordered dozens of dishes in one go, with a total value of up to a thousand gold!

Cao Zhi held his breath, his chest seemed to be bleeding.

The Captain Mojin under his father's command sometimes emptied a grave and couldn't dig out a thousand gold.

Just a thousand gold for this meal?

Cao Zhi hasn't been so extravagant for a long time.

Originally, it cost two thousand gold to rent the elephant building, but now with a lot of food, it has broken three thousand gold!

Cao Zhi couldn't help but called Ding Yi and said, "Is our budget enough?"

"Don't worry, my lord, it's enough!" Ding Yi gritted her teeth.

As for why you have to grit your teeth?

Of course the money is not enough, but when Cao Zhi asked, would he dare to make Cao Zhi lose face?

dare not.

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